What made you laugh today?


People that arent important enough with nothing better to do…being suspicious about unimportant people with nothing better to do than to supposedly stalk people that arent important enough…

$10 this is the convo… hey bro you notice the women noticing you, yea bro, what do you think…eh I have a gf already…

The opposite version…hey you know that guy sitting over there, yea some random dude…whatever I dgaf about that guy, lol I heard he’s the most interesting man in the world cause he drinks dos equiis…lol I envy his street cred…let’s screw with him lol

Blah blah blah…its just insecurity about ones place in the world and their reputation in the social network

Have you seen this person if so make a bell or whistle everytime you use a trigger word to exhibit a certain emotional response from said subject…

Conspiracy looking for meaning and omens behind Random happenings

Lol fucking seriously


Hohoho boy oh boy, what a species we are indeed!!



To be fair it’s not just California

It’s also



Nevada…part two (the erotic edition)

Nevada…part three (the Mad Max remix)





Alabama again!!

Oh and also California…again!! :joy::joy:


omfg haha thank you for that


How many dead bodies does it take to change a lightbulb?

More than 6 because my basement is still dark.


I saw a cat, right when I picking up my pineapple pizza…that cat looked at me I looked at the cat…it was a staring contest that lasted 40 minutes…that fucking cat would not move…it was as if it was a messenger of anubis delivering a message about the afterlife…that cat gazed into my soul…searching and judging all my thoughts and actions…and my shitposts…and I was being judged…but then it pounced and ate the pidgeon next to me…all this time i thought i was being measured for the afterlife…and it was chasing a flying rat fuck pidgeon…needless to say the pineapple pizza went cold…I was disappoint because I left everyone waiting at my pizza party…and they decided to leave before I got back…and when I got back…I was alone with a bunch of cold pineapple pizza…i truly felt forever alone…


I’m trying to decide if this is real or just a clever narrative to insight a argument about pineapple on pizza…



It’s an existential expose…

You guise missed the moral of the story…
I’m not important enough to be judged by anubis’ army of street cats that and I got ditched because I thought I was important enough for anubis and anubis’ cats…the fact that I got pineapple pizza was nonsense because everyone agreed to it…hey wait a minute maybe I was set up to be forever alone with a bunch of pineapple pizza the food that doesnt make any sense…


the Lort Anus and his cat street gang of existential thugs work in mysterious ways…often through pineapple pizza.

( I may have actually smoked myself stupid. )


@bfk: the road is lonely, holm. AND I LIKE IT LIKE THAT \

@relic : fear not. You’re, like, the Dude…who didn’t get stuck. Party on.


lol one of my fav movies man









brah that is fucking DARK lol


Theres a buddhism thing in there somewhere
