Category | Topics |
Glitchpulser ReleasesThis section of the forum is expressly reserved for official release postings from the IDMf Netlabel.
Glitchpulser DiscussionWelcome to the discussion pages for the IDMf Netlabel. This section of the forum is expressly reserved for any and all IDMf Netlabel related chatter. Please feel free to post any Netlabel related questions, observations or suggestions here.
Community ProjectsThis area is for ongoing community projects such as the Beat Battles, remixes, and Album Writing Months.
Member ReleasesThe Member Releases sections is for finished EPs, LPs, Singles, DJ Mixes, Live Jams, Recorded Performances etc. All WIPs belong in the Listening Booth. You may only post your own music here, no promo of other people’s music.
The StudioThis is where you discuss everything related to production, from tips & tricks, to DAW discussion, from hardware to soft synths and plugins.
And of course, pictures of your setups!! |
Music Scene ChatPost music from artist you like, post about events, news and any general discussion about non-forum music.
Music MarketingThis is the place to discuss music related marketing. YouTube Channels, Social Media Strategies, Bandcamp Releases, general attention gathering (in person or on-line), what works, what doesn’t, why, etc., Please have the focus of your discussions be fact based & data driven.
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.