What are you listening to?


4 slova s - srbi sjebani su skroz :slight_smile:


This is one of my currently favorite guitarists. I can watch him play for at least an hour straight and not get bored.

This one was the first thing I saw of his and I still love the hell out of it. He uses the guitar in such a way that just popped my brain open.

My favorite is how he uses re-tuning in the middle of playing.

Not settled on just idling by, he then went on to pull another neat trick.

A more recent employment of the same technique.

A little dubstep tip of the hat.

And, because I love a good Rick Roll :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly…sometimes watching him makes me not want to pick up the guitar - like…what the hell have I been strangling this thing to do? lol





On the subject of guitar arrangements, here’s my favorite, absolutely sublime:


Also been enjoying a bit of this fellow’s music:


LOOOOVE dulcimers!!
I even made a whole song around it just to make a digital dulcimer for fun! :smile:

This is awesome!



did not heard about Tapper Zukie before, but already one of my favorite dub albums all time…
(and it has a cool cover… :sunglasses:)




‘All india radio’ album ‘Space’ is gorgeous,
when it comes to Pink floyd these guys have really taken on the mantle



I agree there.
All that’s missing is “that” voice.

Need like… @Vlantis to sing over this with a delay pedal or something. :wink:



Found this record today on a flew market. To be honest, i was not really familiar with JM Jarre before. Seems to be an interesting artist and good music… although i would not listen to this every day … the video is very much worth watching. #china #vj #artsy



Fun fact, only song I know of by the mouse that I like, but I love it.


Sing along everyone…



Ahem…sorry… I like some really corny music. :stuck_out_tongue:



So I started a Pandora station rooted on P. Lion and this was the first song that came up! LOL!

I’ve never heard this before, but I love this weird thing! :smiley:
That little melody is friggen catchy!




Not sure why but I’m kind of in the mood for some derpstep today. Not my favorite genre normally, but Zomboy kills it.


Also, the new Feed Me album is fuckin’ AWESOME

His best work in a long time. Fuckin’ sick as shit.
