To What Do You Owe Your Happiness Today?


My Razer Tartarus Pro arrived today, retiring my ol’ Logitech G13.


I played the piano today


Finally put the EP out. Now to sort another one that I did with Auto ages ago.


Two weeks ago I mispronounced “Mandalorian” as “Milandalorian” which led to me and my friend concocting a movie poster in our brains while laughing so hard we couldn’t breathe.

I think it was one of those “you had to be there” moments, but I made it last week and texted it to her and cracked her the fuck up at work.

So yeah, that made me happy. This fucker took way longer than expected. :stuck_out_tongue:

Got a karaoke party planned on Sat and it’s gonna be awesome. My sister’s in town so we gettin’ crazy.


ifs friday


Psy, you ain’t fooling anyone…we can all see through you…


Beefcake with steaks and mashed potatoe frosting.


…with sprinkles on top.


I am REALLY happy today because I’ve nearly stopped smoking cigs. Been taking a med called Champix to help get off them and its worked wonders for me…down to about 5 a day from 25 and my chest loves me dearly. :heart_eyes:


That’s a big improvement! Working on it myself currently. <3


I found the first 3 to 5 days the worst, but it got better after that. Still getting mad cravings out of the blue, like I only smoked an hour ago and never cut back, though that’s normal. Going to be off them completely come tomorrow night and that’s when the real fun starts. :grin:


All the best to you! I’m working on substituting it with things like making tea more often and starting to meditate again after a long time not doing it. In any case, it’s definitely going to get better with time. <3


Yt user Drillobite…not sure if they were an idmfer…but finding out that they posted some idmf stuff is pretty awesome.


Same to you, man…it’s tough kicking the habit, but well worth it in the end. I hear ya on the tea…doing more of that myself of late…Earl Grey…black and weak, with a touch of cold water…really nice on hot days like we’ve been having here lately…kind of like unsweetened ice tea.

I’m also finding I’m sighing a lot…kind of wired and I’m not sure why…it’s not a conscious thing…just keeps happening.

Regarding meditating…I’ve been doing that for a while already…part of my daily thing is to sit outside first thing in the morning and just soak in all the sounds and sights for 30 minutes of so…really helps get the day off to a good start.

Anyway, best of luck with it…hope you manage to get off them and stay off them. :wink:


Chew gum to curb the smoking habit.
Maybe idk


Thank you! And the regular morning meditation sounds great. I hope I remember to try that tomorrow morning!


Yeah…and drinking water seems to help, too. The “hunger” isn’t so bad, thanks to the Champix tabs, so I’m not eating all round me…still, a few pounds is far better than the effects on my body from smoking.


Was going to make another tutorial but it was just a rehash of what I already made tuts about…so…that was going to be my day…didn’t make a good tutorial…but at least i fixed it so that the vids doesn’t have a shitty sound output.


Email confirming Alien: Colonial Marines Operations Manual physical copy is finally on its way. Oh fuck yeh.

Yay to FLP surviving pandemic and finally getting this out. Bring on the terrifying nerdery.

So fucking happy.

