To What Do You Owe Your Happiness Today?


finally wrapping my head around my moogses,and kinda sorta modular.
and creating the beginnings of a really good idea for something wicked that will come.
also sudden fond memories of the days before the great purge,and thanking the mods that be for aforementioned purge .yeah,boat load of fun but …
and getting out of this #*@&% creative block!


Took an edible and sat by a pool drinking ice cold Prosecco with orange slices after work today.


Got my Violet Night Amplified Manic Panic today…thank god…I had been rocking a a douchey 90’s ultra blonde look in preparation. Also smoking a rack of ribs tomorrow!


It must be hair day. I just got a headblade and can’t believe how much better bald looks than buzzed when you’re balding anyway


Would recommend for anyone who wants to cut their hair and not their head :smiley:




i am moving to a single monitor setup.i ordered a 32" curved monitor today.
i will get it next week or some 3 foot noodles.hookup w/cv minilouge.
should be interesting.also ordered some naughty bits enhancers.hey im a 54 year old man
gotta get me some sometime!so yeah im still kickin a little slow on the tracks.been studying
modular and such.wait till you see what a man can do to another.


Thank fuck for punk.


Listening to a song I wrote today. Its rubbish. I’m amazed the police didn’t descend on my house just having been playing it on earphones before it might become a threat to the general public. Having a hoot :slight_smile:


Apparently I’ve lost like 15 pounds just by stopping eating out. Fucking calories, man.

No more shitty fad diets for me, I guess


why is that ,millionairs pay only if at all 11% taxes but the rest of us pay34% taxes why is that i wonder


Send it over?


Good SSRI medication, a great ERP therapist, and finally understanding what it is that has been going on in my head since my teens. I’ve built a great life: wife, house, fufilling career, toys for making music, but I’ve been unable to appreciate it in more than bursts till this year. It’s crazy how much space has been freed up in my head now I am dealing with my OCD - though I had no idea that was the name for it because I am so disorganised and messy. Turns out it has nothing to do with orderliness and cleanliness, those are just the most visible compulsions that only a portion of sufferers exhibit.

I’ve known deep down I love my life, but it’s something else to be able to actually connect with that feeling now I’m not engaged in the perpetual dread spiral every waking hour.


So happy for you @saltmart

Pretty sure I’ve got something like OCD I generally joke about it. (The version I have is called CDO … same as OCD except everything has to be in alphabetical order.)

Really hard to let go of even the smallest things…sometimes it seems useful… but hard to stay happy without intense stimulation.

I’m learning


If you do find yourself frequently bombarded/under seige by thought that are unpleasant and you feel you have little to no control over and just want to stop, then I can’t reccomend seeing a professional enough. It has changed my life.


Thank you @saltmarket that is considerate of you… and so glad to hear you’ve found a positive life changing path.

I wouldn’t go that far in describing my tendencies… it’s more of an “over achiever” thing. Not that I’ve managed to ever “over” achieve anything. Sometimes my brain won’t stop… I’ve learned to recognize that and get some rest.

As I get older it’s easier to see why I’ve heard the phrase “will you calm down!” So often. It’s gotten to the point where I can see it coming and get in front of it.

I married my soul mate because she is so good at pulling me gently back to Earth whenever I start hovering six inches above the ground.


This arrived:



YESSSS! Pen and paper nerds unite


My wife has the orderly / cleanliness version of OCD and the positive side of that has rubbed off on me quite a bit; I’ve learned how to organize my studio way more efficiently than I ever would’ve in the past.

I’m still trying to get tested for possible ASD, but it’s funny to consider the upsides of some of these issues, even if they seem like they only hinder us.


I bought a pair of “customer returned” jbls from a 2 star website, and somehow it went over amazingly well. received them and thought one would be punched in or both of them crapped out. they were essentially new I think and I couldnt see anything wrong or used about them besides what looks like a small factory mistake applying the vinyl on the mdf on one. pretty happy since I got the pair of 6"s for less than fair market value of used 5"s