Things that piss you off the most

Moronic Dudes being butthurt over delilahs and jezebels (biblical archetypes) writing out 50 billion word grievances on how to fix the social order thinking that they are speaking truth to power…

What they are actually complaining about is as old as human civilization…and isnt unique to a culture…

I wanna say shut up, it comes with the territory…

Because People are gonna be people…and by engaging in such nonsense…your only dragging yourself down.

Also the debate between different social media activists on the topic of gender politics and issues…stop being narrow minded and find some common ground fucking seriously.

Law and order svu…

Examines things ethically…

It also examines a variety of different scenarios from a multitude of angles…

In the wake of all the one sided political rhetoric from whomever…

Conclusion is more people should law and order svu…

Also i posted this in the pissed off thread…

Because of people getting pissed off about the lack of common sense in regards to the uptick in extremism from different sides.

Im all for elections…but…the ads and the news…


When going out ive noticed that people look at their phones to occupy themselves…

Lol…so someone who goes out to mingle and have a good time… winds up spending most of their time out on their phone instead of living in the moment and documenting it on social media to show off to others…and then turn around and get upset cause they are constantly bored or beside themself about stuff…

Just lol…

Everyone wants to have a good time…but

  1. Put your phone down and live in the moment.
  2. Have enough respect for others and self control/awareness to have a good time while simultaneously not hampering on others trying to have a good time…

Captain obvious hindsight…

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retards picking fights with each other because people have different political beliefs…

They should fuck the Fuck off…

because if they were so ethical and moral and intelligent these egotistical narrow minded idiots would understand the concept of secularism instead of worrying about people stealing their own sunshine…

Provoking people is not doing anything for social justice…

If they want to do something they should try being a social worker or volunteer in programs that help the community.

The stuff i see on the media is just a bunch of phony echo chamber garbage.

License terms like “You are only allowed to use these assets for personal education. … License valid until revoked.” Never refunded something as fast as that lol…


I should of taken a womens studies course in college and should of read w.e.b dubois while in college…

And spare people a multitude of bullshit essays about bullshit people post on social media…

@AndrewWinds and @slime good rant you got going here… I’m with you. I produce both Generic and Experimental Music. I follow my Muse.

I would never pay for “Likes” “Streams” “Comments” etc. I don’t get a lot of streams but I get steady streams and it’s growing. Yes … the Generic stuff tends to get more streams but sometimes the Experimental stuff surprises me with the response. In fact the experimental stuff has produced more followers that keep a dialogue going over time, even on SoundCloud. It’s one of the things that keeps me coming back to IDMf and some other places like this.

Streams, Likes, Comments, Reposts, getting added to Playlists etc. It’s all a form of validation, not when you pay for it (of course!) but it is especially validating when you also get paid for your music.

I’m an advocate for all of us producers to get paid for our content, especially since platforms like SoundCloud make money from our content. I don’t begrudge SoundCloud getting paid, they provide a service. I just want my share.

I have a Distributor that offers free distribution. They take 15% of any money generated by streams. If you have a real Banger and regret giving them 15% you can pay $10, and keep100% of income. You also keep 100% of rights. It works for me. I love dreaming about pennies dropping in to my account as I sleep.

If you are not getting paid for your Music then I respectively ask… why not?

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I need to shut up about my neverending story…

Woe is me is for losers…

people being overly dramatic, aggressive or negative on the internet


When you have to explain something 80 million times to someone it is a farce…

So much bullshit political rhetoric in regards to issues related to racism…omg…a lot of it is irrational crazy talk…and unethical.

Isnt the whole point to figure out how to treat everyone as an equal and to get along with each other…

Not mad…just sharing what ive noticed…

When alternative truths lead to people operating under different definitions of things which usually results in unnecessary conflicts…

Nonsense…is nonsense…

Too much negativity

When haters try to make you into a bitter hater like themselves

People who are convinced that their Opinions are Facts.

Logical Discourse can only occur when there is an agreement on some Fact or group of Facts. All that follows are Opinions on what the Fact(s) mean, and what may be done about them.

“Alternative Facts” negates any possibility of Logical Discourse. All that remains is random noise and pointless negative emotion.

Yeesh! :expressionless:


Political sophistry…

I forgot about about the word sophistry…

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In a world where misinformation and disinformation abound, it’s more important than ever to uphold the value of objective truth and engage in respectful dialogue based on shared facts. It’s not always easy, but it’s crucial for fostering understanding, cooperation, and progress.


At somepoint gotta grow out the fucktard jerkoff phase…

For a variety of reasons that are obvious…

Yep, we eventually grow out of it, sadly some don’t.

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