Things that piss you off the most

Billieraebrandt on ig…

One of those social media philosophy influencers…

She is a fool.

Former andrew tate supporter
Former red pill advocate
Formerly anti feminist…

And she only have changed her tune as of recent…
Had an epiphany that the antifeminist red pill tate stuff she was pushing was missing the point

This shit is so artificial…

Fat activists and fatphobia…

Being pro fat…is retarded…

Because the whole criticism of being pro fitness is like…oh what an upstuck asshole they are afraid of diabetes and shitting themselves from immobility…as they age…

  1. Diabetes is expensive
  2. Fuck off gluttony is a sin
  3. Shit stains arent cool.
  4. Fit people are better than you because they have self respect for themselves and didnt decide to self mutilate themselves over stupid nonsense.
  5. Pig people are lazy.

Alpha masculinity and gender philosophy and pro whatever the fuck…

Alpha masculinity
No…its not whatever line of bullshit you tell yourself…talk is cheap…

if you can build a car, and a house by yourself, and are a military combat veteran you are a man…men do stuff. you are what you do…frontin is for punk ass bitches…

Gender philosophy
Gender aint a philosophy its a physical trait…

Gender social issues…
Masculinity and feminism…
Its easier to be a critic and pass judgement on people…doing stuff is harder, accomplishing your goals is harder…shut up and accomplish your goals…

Also the issue at hand is peoples character and how they conduct themselves. people scumbag people all the time…dont be butthurt and deal with it better…

Pro whatever the fuck
the tribal stuff…i mean ok everyone has their own culture that is fine…

but the tribal us against them…little extreme…almost bordering on unethical…

For if other groups used the some of the same rhetoric like in a switching places type of thing, it wouldnt hold up logically.

Woke is an issue…

But manners have completely disappeared.

Bring back manners. Fucking lol.

Tough love…

Cause sympathy on social media somewhat leads to indoctrination of nonsense…

So many people fall for certain crap because they want their pain validated.

Their pain is valid, but what is supposedly validating it is not helping people heal healthily from certain things and is fucking them up psychologically…and causing them to make bad decisions.

All for a fucking dollar and likes.

Fredagain announcing a pop up show at the Sydney opera house with the sydney symphony orchestra the day of the gig and it sells out in 38 seconds.

Wtf is that about.


Lol that is wierd

That’s a lot of things to get piss off bfk, anyways you do you.


The same Companies sponsor both conservative and liberal media…its good business…

Tiktok is an app that basically gets people to watch customized commercials that they want to watch…

Social media…is becoming a platform for no lives that have nothing better to do than to political opinion on everything like explosive diarrhea.


A lot of social media influencers are modern sophists…

Tl;dr those modern sophists should not influence real life.

Wtf internet shit…

Some people with low self worth and self esteem get groomed into mutilating themselves in exchange for some fucked up form of validation, attention, etc…thinking that that is love but it isnt.

Because they dont have the better sense to tell the difference between fucked up behavior and healthy behavior. They effectively get brainwashed as a result and wind up getting used by demented morons. For some are really that weakminded nor have any self respect, and think that such fucked up behavior is normal.

All because they depend upon other people to validate their self esteem thereby wind up being a participant in their own self destruction.

But some people are the way they are because they themselves want to be that way. Some do know better and choose to engage in fucked up stuff because they want to…in short they are assholes.

And some people willingly follow these assholes because these assholes are good at convincing or manipulating others into thinking that what they do is normal.

Others dont have the better sense or enough self worth to tell the difference between whats fucked up and whats normal thereby wind up perpetuating/imitating the fucked upedness because they dont know the difference and it becomes their habitual behavior.

But it should be obvious.

Sometimes both victims and others get groomed. Victims get groomed into thinking that fucked up behavior is normal and participate in their own mistreatment.

Others get groomed into thinking that fucked up behavior is normal and become abusers.

And some others know better but choose to do wrong anyways.

Wtf internet shit.

When virtue is used unethically as a disguise for corrupt behavior…

Racial manifestos…
Gender manifestos…
Political manifestos…


Ive seen too much of those from different sides…

Both pro xenomorph and anti xenomorph…

For most manifestos even dissecting them isnt worth it because most are just subjective bs.

Ive written some on here myself, but mine were reactory to the nonsense that ive seen.

I could share screenshots of the stuff ive seen…but i would just be spreading nonsense.

Overall im at a point where its like either please shut up, or ok…lets see if your bs holds up under examination…and most of the time it doesnt.:roll_eyes:

Re reading stuff…

Im being a broken record.

Im going to play vid games now.

When its hot, and people take shits…and after it ferments the heat cooks the after smell.

On eBay when people send ridiculously low offers for items.

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When people are extra for no reason…

And they try to be more extra in order to win some sort of competition…

Collegues that just keep talking to you when you’re trying to work.


“Free” piles around town. It’s just a loophole for dumping your crusty sentimentalities, don’t do it

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it’s the hoarding exchange program

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