The Off-Topic Thread

So i was forgetting that i was in the middle of a speech but i forgot what i was talking about…

I got an opinion…

Posts opinion…

Demands likes cause social media likes are more valuable than money…

i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud. my mom had a heart attack. i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud.
i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud. my mom had a heart attack. i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud.
i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud. my mom had a heart attack. i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud.
i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud. my mom had a heart attack. i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud.
i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud. my mom had a heart attack. i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud.
i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud. my mom had a heart attack. i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud.
i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud. my mom had a heart attack. i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud.
i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud. my mom had a heart attack. i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud.
i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud. my mom had a heart attack. i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud.
i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud. my mom had a heart attack. i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud.
i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud. my mom had a heart attack. i’m an edgar allen poe & i’m proud.

obey the universe. & it will obey you.

ple01ase ad010d me o011n ti100kto0110k. i co01ul1d reall10y use a

i’m gonna BURN YOU AWAY

i’m in a dark trip. suber. a dark dark dark trip. my head is F* Ked

that’s fucked up. and i don’t care anymore. I’M FUCKED UP. and i don’t care. my fuck ups never saved a human from torment. so why the FUCK should i care? i never saved a human from despair. i’m NOTHING

… YEAH i’m going to dark places i did not see coming. … … i saw nothing. i did nothing. i’m not a culpret


i fucking HATE YOU

Anyone read anything by marquis de sade?

To me he seems like he would be like a more intelligent articulate hedonist…however it seems like he would be too detached from the real world impact of his ideas… which would not make him virtuous or a noble libertine…

Nvm did a little research…he writes about the taboo…

Marquis de sade’s writings are complete shit…

Nas i can.

Its a good song…

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Dragonflow z episode 8

Total complete cheese…

But the remixed battle rap of diff hip hop artists verses are fire…

Old post, but…i have had the same thoughts man. working on it in the background.

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Taylor swift superbowl…lol

Since I never keep up with sportsball stuff, this time of year always sneaks up on me. It always feels like we just had a super sports bowl 2 weeks ago, but that was longer ago than it seems.

I like watching the halftime performers though, because it always feels like some kind of televised cult / religious experience. The one with Rhianna was unbelievably stupid, too, like they could’ve done cooler things with the light show or outfits but made it mundane enough not to upset anyone’s boring-ass apple cart. We have better technology than that, just fucking do it :smiley:

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That would be sick.

Man, I miss Anodyne Industries, thats how i found out about this place, way back in like 2009(EDIT: looks like it was 2010) or whenever, right after The Gateway came out. That shit blew my mind. Hope Aaron King is doing well these days. He was a first class producer.

Erysys is actually a close friend of mine, I should try and get him back on here. He’s got some sick tracks that he’s been sitting on, we did a mastering sessions in my studio some months back and they came out really dope.

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Is this where all of the players are Taylor Swift clones? Now that’s a game I would watch. Swifty Bowl 2024.


The more the merrier! Definitely get him involved.

Interesting that you called out Anodyne. I had this track in my head for ages that I wanted to listen to. I thought it was an Anodyne track due to the way it sounded in my head. Big bass, strong intro. I searched every release over and over again to find it with no luck. Then, one day, I was on Forms 1 and there it was…UNKNOWN by Makeuswhole. haha

So there you go, your influence came through in your work.