The Off-Topic Thread

Obamahameha, dodonald ray, and biden blast

Not the gameplay, its the trash talking.

Havent been making musicā€¦

Mostly because the music ideas i have could be betterā€¦

Also because i dont want spend so much time in front of a computer

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I should quit this forumā€¦

  1. I hardly music anymore
  2. My shitposting
  3. I have nothing else to contribute other than my bullshitā€¦
  4. The forum would be better off.
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woah dude. hold on. if this is a drunk post or a fucked up post i get it- i TOTALY understand. but dudeā€¦ youā€™re fucking BFK. all breaks on for bfk dude. cmon take a minute to collect yourself and donā€™t do anything bad to yourself. like hurt yourself or WORSE if you know what i mean. take a minute dude smoke a cig with me iā€™m right here with you.

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just recruited (i think)_ a new member. i hope he stops by his name is glitchface. i donā€™t think heā€™s on the forum yet but if so iā€™m sorry i didnā€™t recognize you. everyone. get in here to support BFK NOW!!!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110100010100010010010101010000101010101000101010101001010101 Iā€™M Not joking fucking support bfk. not a joke. support your brethren jesus christ

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No need to panicā€¦

Im just faced with a dilemmaā€¦

Its like ive done nothing but post political bsā€¦for a while on idmfā€¦i might as well be one of those pundit assholes on tvā€¦or those influencers that shared osama bin ladens letterā€¦

But yeah its like i dont music much anymoreā€¦

I just dont want to wind up spamming the forum with political shit cause im boredā€¦


wait it out. take a break. weā€™ll be here. with or without you idmF will be here. you decide. we love you regardless <3


You got that electronica big beat challenge to work on. Iā€™m still in progress on my submission for that, I just got sidetracked by the IDMf album, starting a new job, and another dnb song.


How to defend yourself against political machiavellianismā€¦

  1. Call it out without calling it outā€¦
  2. Flip the script
  3. Leverage

My best defense is just being an idiot. Iā€™ll be the first person in the room to say, ā€œI donā€™t know what that meansā€, and when they have to explain a million different things to me to finally get to the point, it kind of loses its meaning entirely.

Itā€™s like that Weezer song, just pull the thread as they walk away or however the fuck it goes :smiley:

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Bob green montana tech

Disco grunge rap

Just had an epiphany not related to music

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Bro ccoli

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Psycho poetry is ass.

Time flies, and this is only after the site was rebuilt 5 years ago. Wow itā€™s already been 5 years.


Since youve been gone my penis feels for the first timeā€¦
Since youve been goneā€¦
Yeah yeahā€¦

idk wtf is going on with the netlabel but i feel it is under control. communication is the solution. and i feel like, based on what i have read, that the netlabel is Communicating accordingly. and that is all anyone can ask. communication. sharing of ideas. sharing of emotions. sharing of diplomatic stances. letā€™s get it done! aside from that. i am leaving tiktok. not permanently, just for now. i just donā€™t see it the same anymore. i had hope once. but i need to remind myself who i associate myself with. and remember that those individuals do not use tiktok. weā€™re a rare strange breed. a good breed. but a lesser breed. and it hurts alot less now in my 30ā€™s. the truth is as of now that my presence was not intended for this strange hip app known as tiktok. iā€™m a generation before. i am limewire. i am not tiktok. salute to those who have succeeded. i have flopped. another reason to stay UNDER GROUND. i guess. fuck if i know iā€™m making this shit up as i go. just like EVERYONE FUCKING ELSE.

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