The Off-Topic Thread


How many synths should one use for a track…?

The answer:
As many as possible.


A sincere “hope everybody is doing alright tonight” cheers to all you IDMfers, party on into the night my frens


I’m talking about Blender. It annoys me that they released a release a year or two ago. Above version 2.7 and completely changed the interface.


but the Blender 3.0 UI is low key god tier, if you get into it… In my opinion its the best 3D app GUI ever developed


Who would win

Bruce banner or lex luthor.


yo cunts. wat happnin?


fat chance in hell. i’m saving my own damn life no room to help these sukkaz.




whoa, oxy, you’re alive !! :beers:


it’s gonna be very interesting that is certain.

btw who is this?


nostromer/city at worlds end!
I keep forgetting I changed my username on here some time ago… :'D


just keep carrying on plz brother. your music is bar none of incredible. let’s get through this next covid phase together. and that applies to anyone on here who needs something. if you are suffering and need assistance let us as a collective be together when we can.


hahaha, I’m not quite as caps lock about it, but I feel we have the best and brightest working here too. I’m working on some stuff in the background to set the netlabel up for the future, but it’s taking just a bit of a backseat right now. Half an hour a day or so. You’ll see hopefully in a month or two what I’m setting up. All boring backend stuff, but it needs to be sorted out before we can do more.


getting older is odd. you start to realize how your IRL world is the only focus after a while. art and creativity shifts over time and odd things happen. but as long as this website is running we will all be ok


fuck what is “accepted”. art gets full attention. if someone has a problem with that, that is THEIR PROBLEM. art is what pushes change. ART is what changes lives. never stop fighting. i am a hypocrit but i am here. we do the best with what we have. and we can only fix and change so much in our lives. hang on. and never stop separating your music from the general accepted norm. this is not for them. this is for ME. FOR US. fuck them they don’t understand. it is up to us to figure this out. and NO ONE will step over OUR LINE. this is our safe space. and this is our freedom. let us shine. we were always beautiful. that is why you are reading this. go out there and love what you do. because it matters even though real life comes first. keep calm and carry on sisters and brothers. and the peace will settle. DO YOU.


Hello Angry :smiley:


This. There is zero innovation without such a frame of mind. Cannot agree more.


The soloist Rammstein sings in Russian.


Nice video content and you can learn something from these videos


Summary of politics

Image manipulation + diarrhea = game.