The Off-Topic Thread


By packs of dogs, while trying to escape up a ladder made of over boiled spaghetti noodles


happy belated-many-month-long rebirthiversary to IDMf!

I think the new site was launched to the public back inā€¦ december 2018?


Last year I was bored / armed with a handful of weird opportunities and got a few people to believe I was abducted by aliens on Reddit, semi-successfully. Iā€™ve been looking for inspiration for round 2, and thought this whole pandemic thing might be a good time to make gullible people believe in ETā€™s.

If anyone has any compelling pieces of ā€˜evidenceā€™ , EVPā€™s or something else to add to the pool or wants to try to beat my score, we can all make aliens great again. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.


Pandemic conspiracy theories


It is satisfying when the Windows sounds are in the same key as the track youā€™re listening to.


Should there be an idmf dating thread

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


the poll doesnā€™t let you vote. What kind of societal tom foolery is this???


Decided to Make le thread anyways regardless of public opinionā€¦let those who wanna post post and those that just wanna lurk lurk


Ive always had an ominous feeling that Iā€™d be living through some world eventā€¦


I found the one source of inspiration for the hxc band youth of today


this new version of the site?

I mean the original official IDMf birthday was august 2006ā€¦


haha this belongs in like r/showerthoughts or something xD


my recurring nightmare is being alone on a canoe in water that isnā€™t flowing, without an oar, in a canal within a cave deep underground that is lit by torchesā€¦ and the walls are made of human skeletons


how to get a clean mix


slice chives to 1/8 inch thickness
marinate and sautee the fish in lemon juice, garlic cloves, and olive oil
add a splash of white wineā€¦
pinch of salt
orange slices
2 tbsp of boullion
chopped lettuce
and some almonds

there you have it a puuurfect mix


The world will not stop rotating because of my situational feelings about tiger king.


that means that feelings areā€¦ bigā€¦? orā€¦ [planet wont stop rotating anyways + 0 +/- 0 = ]

I failed math, obviously


Essentially another way of saying one person is not the center of the universeā€¦

I.e. outside a few select ppl not many will give a shit if a person has to go to work whilst having hemorrhoids and is having a bad dayā€¦

I feel like sometimes I speak some wierd indecipherable language that no one understandsā€¦or maybe I just suck at expressing ideasā€¦ lol

