The Off-Topic Thread


As per above instruction I’m inspecting my anus for Lugs right now.


Horror movies have a psychological impact?

Either way the aristocrats the joke…

Having an imagination means its calculus…

And such is a quixotic fools errand.

Being mod of the entire internet… must suck imagine how much therapy someone with that job would need after seeing all the dark stupid shit people generate.


Conspiracy theories + high school psychology + GED (Google education degree) = interesting as a block of aged cheese…

Seriously hypnosis…seriously.


Howdy, retards.


Hello thom :slight_smile:

I’ve just thought of the perfect title for you.



ichtreij i djeret ischtreij
ischtreij i djeret ischtreij


Da Da Da?


How do I techno?



this is some good tea


Ok computer…


You might not like it, but this is what real music production looks liek.



Lot to process in the headline here. Don’t think I can read the rest.


Have a healthy baby and a good positive relationship. Erm, no cares beyond that :smiley:


people used to stick speakers to their womb playing mozart hoping it’d make their babies genius, now they blast techno into it hoping it’ll make em the douche that this century promotes



Sorry me guys for being not so active its cuz i miss my drugs


does anybody else here ever have super lucid nightmares about being attacked by animals or is that just me?