The Hardware Megathread




I’m super impressed by that app, it feels like an Elektron step-sequencer on a very clever modular setup.

On a side note: my yearly bonus was higher than expected, which makes gear lust hard.


Little eurorack system? :wink:


You’re moving house. Ikea owns your arse :smiley:


I tried to buy Ikea once, ages ago. A dresser - I think it was like $200 US. Shipping was going to be about $350, and the closest store was 6 hours away. They may do free shipping now, I haven’t checked. I don’t own a single bit of Ikea anything. Honestly glad I missed the boat on it, I’d have a house full by now.


Not sure about Ikea, but I own a couple of pieces from Wayfair now and they’re solid, with free shipping over $35 - which if you’re buying real furniture and not just a pillow or something is basically just free shipping.

I have a desk that I used before I got my A-frame stand for keyboards and a cube shelf thing that holds way more media than it has any right to.


Ikea’s molded plastic laptop stands make brilliant gear stands and under US $20 on Amazon Prime.


Seems for only $100 dollery doos I can get an OLED for something as old as an E-Mu Morpheus even.

Actually tempted as it’s plug and play and it makes me twitch a little that the Proteus 2000 and Morpheus have differently “green” displays :eyes:

Though for $60 I can replace the display on the 2K with a fancy red one.

I have 2 of the bigger ones and one smol one, and yeah, they work really well, especially if you can get them for $7 or so at an actual store XD

This actually works surprisingly well at $9 for a Maschine+ even, at least on a flat surface:


Oh nice! I’ll have a peep at that.


One for sale at £175 down the road from me.


I think I need to stay away from Reddit. Any time I post something I usually get irritated by “well actually” responses :eyes:

I’m probably also overly-sensitive this morning; high anxiety and new cat suddenly acting a little stranger than she has for a week so I didn’t sleep well. You’d think she’d never been in the house before all-of-the-sudden.

Trying to figure out what to do with my RNLA. It used to be between my gear and the Babyface’s single set of inputs to add a little magic dust/‘analog warmth’ to things going in, but now I have an interface with lots of inputs. And as I type that I realize I could put it between the Maschine+ and its inputs on the 18i20. Or the Morpheus. Not the Proteus since that’s on SPDIF for now.

The obvious solution is to buy 2 more 1/3rd rack compressors, rack 'em up, and put everything going into the back of the 18i20 on them :thinking:

edit or put it with the “jam corner” stuff


What shop is that?, a plugin version would probably cost more


It’s a dude on gumtree, I’ve been listening to some demos and it sounds really nice.



Jokes aside, I can’t handle reddit, not sure I understand it.

Speaking of more, I’m trying to figure out if, apart from a massive modular rack driven by an Elektron sequencer, there’s anything like Brambo in the hardware world, I doubt that though…

And starting to work on a remix got me to fire up Ableton Live again and working in a DAW is not as shit as I remembered…


Oh sweet Digitakt update…


Didn’t you get a nice patchbay? I’d just put the RNLA on the back of the patchbay and sent whatever you want into it from the front in thru mode. Or set up a send/return on the 18i20.


Naw, it’s not so bad, really, working in DAWs. Heck, I’ve disovered that my Livid DS1 acts like an 8-track mixer in Bitwig. The craziest thing is that Whenever I add a track and then add their channel strip preset, it just works with the right knobs and I don’t have to think about mapping the controls manually. I just realized I haven’t tried rearranging tracks to see if it gets all messed up and confusing XD

…that’s a much better idea and yes I do (Samson S-Patch). I should have thought of that. I haven’t even wired the thing, yet, and am still thinking in audio interface mode. I was just talking to someone last night about making my own cables for doing just that (and being an electrical engineer he starts going off about stuff I have never heard of and don’t remember now… something about wiring capacitors or something in them depending on length, some way to measure stuff, while I’m all “hurrr TRS balanced cables, solder solder…”)


Every single gear YT channel is covering it. It is a sweet update but I’m already sick of hearing about it lol


Still haven’t had time to watch the videos. Leaving that for later, but it seems a great way to make it more of a studio centre piece


My usual routine of taking the digitakt off the shelf, dust it off then install the firmware, then put it back on the shelf until the next update