Dating experiences thread

I need to up my larp stats…

Also the greater culture war in regards to dating is pure nonsense and is not the path to being a real person…

The participating in the greater culture war is no different than fantasy role playing

Kevin samuels and andrew tate are for clowns…

Male feminists try to hard to compensate…

People are shallow and self absorbed in general…

Level up bro.

Im leveling up…

The redpill has entered the building

The more research i do…the more i think that its a psyop…

Psyops…I doubt it. But grifter guru misinformation, yes. I was heavily into the redpill space for a long time and it done very little for my “success” with dating.

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I’m pretty sure life is a psyop.

Oh, in dating news as soon as I turned on ads on youtube I get nothing but ads for single asian women near me, so that’s neat.


Theres also the female dating playbook on reddit…Ive read some of it…and holy shit its like a long list of standards and criteria…and how to play and evaluate guys to see if they pass various tests and check all the boxes…

In regards to the female dating playbook it is worth reading…also spare yourself the headache and just lurk read that subreddit…it really is a mind melt.

Its a shame to see loving people turn extremely bitter because of a series of bad relationships…

Solution man up and figure it out…play to your own personal strengths and work on your personal weaknesses…i suggest doing shadow work and some other things as a personal psychological leveling up regimen…

Also have a life, and be fun to be around…that helps a lot.

Ive embraced liking big women

Also onlyfans and ig models are lame…

Real life is better

Dont be butthurt about things

Thickness…bro omg…im drunk

Ig models are not real life…

Real women take work you gotta put some effort into the relationship because thats sort of the point.

Scammer tried to scam me on an online dating site…so i treated them how they treated me.

My spirit animal

A guy on Scruff sent me an unsolicited bhole pic at 630am…, who needs coffee before work when you get that…


Apparrently chivalry doesnt work on its own.

Gotta use it in a combo like those 10hit combos in the game tekken…

Basically the combo is…

Cock, chivalry, toxic, chivalry, fun, more cock, intellect, money, power, romance, looking like brad pitt, chivalry, muscles, personality, and cock.

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Right so…

On Ghosting and getting scammed…

People know who they want to ghost and who they want to scam…

Its usually the people that give off a vibe that the date is gonna be bad…or that they are not worth being in a relationship with.

Solution level the fuck up guys and gals.

Its tricky cause you gotta do the screening process but not shoot yourself in the foot with the screening process…

Its a balancing act of not doing self sabotage and not being taking advantage of.

Male feminism

Its okay to be all “dude wheres my car”…if you think that all women are beautiful and deserve love…and to be treated like queens…as dictated by hbos sex and the city.

I kissed a boy in the Denny’s parking lot :eyes:




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