Dating experiences thread

I caught my former boss rubbing one out to his secretary in the mens room

Also my stupid work enemy that i used to sit next to, used to get boners everytime she walked into the room…

And I, who was ghosting the secretary, am the one that gets accussed of sexual harassment…

Those guys were hating on the possible competition…and also whose idea was it to ruin a persons marriage…Not me.

They know what they did, fuck those people.

The sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s as a backlash to squares…

And nowadays the backlash to the sexual revolution is similar to the squares…

Forget about kinks and play and hedonism…

Make love cool again…

On bad relationships… for men and women.

Creepiness and users… and those with bad character…

Creepiness…ive seen some use it troll guys or shame them for shallow reasons…

its a defense mechanism dont get butthurt just respect that she doesnt like you or feel safe around you…

But if its trolling flip the script and reality check the person trolling you.

Women that use dudes…

Dont get butthurt about this and write 20 billion word essays about it…everyone is aware of everyone…you are not speaking truth to power…

  1. Just bye felicia those people
  2. Have self respect, focus on yourself…to weed those people out…
  3. Dont be naive…nor get emotional.
  4. Dont write essays just use a soundbyte.

Those with bad character…

Im talking about amber heard and the trevor bauer story…

Reality is its like shitting into a fan…save yourself…dont become someone elses human sacrifice…

Truth is people know who they can take advantage of and mess with…

watch out for them trying to hurt you by using stuff like the 48 laws of power…or by falsely accusing you, or by talking shit to harm your reputation…

the why is that sometimes its just emotional revenge and other times you are just a convenient scapegoat/sacrifice…

But really these occurences are as old as human civilization dont think you are gonna change anything by being a mens rights activist…cause your not…

If you experience something like amber heard…even if you have feelings for the person use your brain…because fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me…

basically be stoic and unphased as possible

For some will take advantage of your feelings for them and use your feelings against you as a way to hurt you even more… when this happens you gotta realize your sleeping with the enemy…

dont try to make peace or resolve it…make up your mind to defend yourself with reality checks…you make peace when you have some leverage as a form of self protection

The best option is to walk away at any sign of this and cut them out of your life…

Disclaimer. Im not condoning domestic violence.

Men and women dont treat each right and continue the cycle of shittiness to each other…

To be clear this is about how not to be taken advantage of by maneaters…

For women

Boys try to be men, some men fail at being of good character, some are creeps and degenerates/hedonists, screen them for your own protection…

Have self respect and dont let anyone use you or mistreat you…

You dont deserve that shit…

Walk away and avoid those people…

If they persist…and dont get the message…do what you gotta do to protect yourself. Because its either you or them…so be a survivor instead of a victim.

Dont let any trauma youve experienced change you into a monster.

Im not a women and i dont want to mansplain…

Overall watch out for people of bad character dont become someone elses human sacrifice… do what you gotta do to survive…

Also overall men and women gotta treat each other better…

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The odd thing about this is that we can only really control our own lives, and probably only about 90% of what enters our lives (which is quite a lot, actually, but I’m factoring in more than just a little bit of potential randomness from the universe).

I think there’s something in it for people who cling to horrible relationships, mostly because it allows them to be a bit shitty themselves in return. I don’t like to blame victims, because awful things really do happen in life, but I wouldn’t doubt that in a lot of scenarios it was just overlooking red flag after red flag until there was a boiling point. And again, why is it ever in someone’s best interest to cling to an abuser other than basically wanting to cling to an abuser? Claiming to be a victim for years when you could just leave is its own reward, I guess.

It’s weird that when we show respect to others, it’s easier to just demand the same in return or leave. There’s no need to stoop to someone’s immature level and be dragged down with them, because that’s just bound to make things toxic for both parties. This can even extend to just platonic relationships, family, etc. Even those subtle, sarcastic jabs mean more as the years go on. It’s not just ‘jokes’ after a while.

So while I agree for the most part, I like to take the ‘shoulds’ out of the equation. Because if they’re not willing to grow up, themselves, how can they expect that of others?

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It’s co-dependency, that’s why people get into and won’t leave bad relationships.


Social media influencers dating philosophy cultural debate…

Forget everything they say…

Unless you want to be a clone of them…

Also what works for them might not work for you…

Find what works for you and apply yourself when doing self work…work on correcting your flaws and figuring out your strengths and attractive attributes…

Basically find your own niche

Also go out and meet different people…step out of your comfort zone…

A parked car never gets anywhere

Keep on trying…

Recently a girl I was involved with previously has been reaching out, but I moved to another state already… idk if we’d ever work out, but feels nice to not be completely discarded lol.

At this point in my life I’ve stopped really seeking out romance. Romance is kinda over idealized, and if it doesn’t fall in my lap I feel like it’s usually a little contrived anyway. The freedom of being single is also great because I’m pretty selfish with my time.
I also moved back to my hometown for a bit and the dating pool is prettty dry anyway (especially for anyone actually interesting.)

But yeah, seems like caring less about my impression on attractive women has actually made them a little more interested in me lately. Everyone wants what they can’t have I guess, or if you don’t seem like you ‘need’ anyone it’s viewed as attractive, which I get.

Feelin good lately about being alone :slight_smile:

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Im not an expert…

But serious situations/experiences aside some of the social media dating philosophy

Stems from people being butthurt about firstworld problems…bruised egos, anxiety, and certain people lacking of sexual satisfaction…or some people being unable to sexually satisfy others.

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More real life experiences both positive and negative…

It deprograms you from porn
Staying away from it helps you build more positive healthy relationships…

Also the more experiences you have the less narrowminded you become.

And additionally you are gonna have to work at it and hustle a lot.

Meaningless sex. Nah…

Committed relationships is where its at.

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Everyone has a shadow that they ignore or hide…

Integrate your shadow…to become a healthy individual and to have better relationships.

Also if messed up people like tyreek hill, amber heard, etc…can have relationships…

whats your excuse…thats right there is none…

Trial and error…

Keep trying.

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I’ve been my girlfriend since September and we’ve met each other’s families and friends. She’s the best girlfriend I’ve ever had and for the first time in my life I might just tell a special someone that I love them.

All that brutal dating bullshit paid off. Keep at it ladies and gentlemen.


My old girlfriend is visiting from Japan! I just started crying tears of joy when we saw each other.

Makin’ out and playing games just like old times!

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Trial and error keeping trying is exactly it. I do worry about people giving up after a few bad dates and becoming nihilistic. It’s like anything in life it takes failure, time, dedication.


Yep. I am not saying online dating and dating in general isn’t a three ring shit show, it is, but I think people expect their ideal partner served up to them instantly and with no effort.

It took the better part of a year, but I finally found a guy that seems like they actually want a relationship, no games, no bs.


One of my friends exes reached out to him, it was an ex from 10 years ago, found out later that he got jumped, meaning he got smacked around a little bit,

Philosophical takeaway…

Some people believe in an eye for an eye…whether your a male or female protect yourself and be careful.

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How to date post metoo…

Have a consentual romantic connection…

How do you romance…

Again its like executing a 10 hit combo in tekken…

Romancing someone isnt asking straight up ey yo lets get starbucks and chat and fuck…

Romancing someone and seduction…sorry there is no formula gotta figure out your own method…half of it is picking up on cues, other parts are mental stimulation, emotional stimulation, etc…

Its different for everyone…

The less attractive you are the more work you gotta do…its unfair that people are shallow but it comes with the territory…

Also if your nervous about dating…

Remember everyone both men and women masturbate…so dont get too beside yourself about dating people.

No success…

I wound up having dreams about morena baccarin and christina hendricks…

I feel less screwed up now

So at least theres that