Announcing IDMf066 VA - Open Genre Compilation Competition

Nvm… id rather hear the music than wait so long for a picture to the music…

Also 100th post in this thread.


I just need to get a minute to tweak my mix and will submit by Monday evening EST. It might literally be Monday though as I don’t have a day off until then. I got a couple vaccinations in the same day and all the microchips made me sick I guess.


We could ask the AI to provide it.


It’ll be black, monochrome or gray and silver with a title, CAT# and maybe a slight bit of subjective eye candy. That’s how we roll it these days so as to avoid delay. Take a look at 65 for reference.

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Pretty sure I have all the files that have been sent to me as of now. I’ll continue to accept stragglers until Monday. The files I have currently are as follows -

Breath of the Abyss
Gadfly (x2)
James Pingle
MystaFx (x2)
All The Morphic Oceans

If you have submitted but don’t see your name on here let me know. Not as many submissions as the “glory days of the forum” but, given the nature of things today I was stoked to get this many. So thanks be to all who participated.


Got a 3rd in the pipeline - just tweaking away - not sure it will make the cut but pressure can pull out surprises (hopefully good) :slight_smile:


I have no problem creating one if you’re interested. A bit of direction, and I can work out something. I’d suggest also thinking about a name for it - it’s always more enticing for listeners. Guess it will depend on submissions/what’s in there.


I’m definitely open to that if that’s something you are interested in doing. Once the team and I get the tracks listened to we can talk more.

As a general rule, I actually don’t want much community input on the cover, it’s usually turns out to be more trouble than it’s worth in my experience. But, the team and I can get you some direction and you can just handle it based on that once we get the tracks sorted out.

We’ll be in touch.


No worries - just thought I’d put the offer out there in case that helps


To clarify - I would love your help. I just don’t want a slew of community involvement beyond that. Love the community, sometimes though, things around here are easier done without it.


Yup. I’ve been in the corporate world for over 2 decades and if there’s one thing that’s clear is that the more people you involve in “executive decisions”, the longer everything takes. Things start going in all directions, through endless changes/rewrites, and you end up with something rather unsatisfying that nobody cares about much anymore :laughing:

Ha! Of course there’s a meme for this:




@Morphic - Have you had a cheeky listen to my subs, cause, if my tracks could be put into a picture…
would represent 100%+

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Not sure if this helps or hurts, but the team is free to grab anything I’ve posted here and use it as art. You can crop it, shape it to your liking, and essentially call it yours, no credit or anything attached.


Alright, that does it everyone. Tracks being bundled up and sent off for judging. Between judging, cover art, mastering etc. we are still a few weeks out. We thank everyone for their patience while we wait on what promises to be a stellar release!


Good luck everyone.

I really should of worked on my sub a little more…instead of waiting till today…lol

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Hello? Seems dead in here…

Yes, judging has taken a bit of time. More time than expected. The team and I have been in long discussions as related to the best thing to do as far as IDMf066 is concerned. We realize everyone worked hard on their submissions and are appreciative of the time, effort and patience everyone has put into this project.

In the interest of full disclosure we are considering going another way with IDMf066. That’s not to say that every submission was sub-par. However, it is to say it is the interest of the team at this time, to do our very best to push the label in the direction we would like to see it go. The last thing we want to do is, go a certain direction just because we have 15 submissions on the shelf.

What we are in the process of trying to come up with is something that can hopefully involve all of you, and something that puts the Netlabel in it’s best possible light, as we close out 2023 and look to 2024.

All that to say, thanks be to you all for being here and thanks for your continued participation. Without the current member base there would be no IDMfnetlabel and for that the team remains grateful.


I’ve just been busy starting a new job, hardly had time to do music since wrapping up my sub. I check in to see my unread posts and try to comment if I can, but just been really busy wrapping up the old job while ramping up the new one at the same time. The pay is great though, I have some fun software to experiment with and a hardware trade in the works that I will tell you all about if it goes through. Other than that, I’ll keep checking in.


Hey sorry, not sure if you are saying this because I said “Hello? Seems dead in here…” But if you were that was a comment on how judging was taking so long, not lack of activity from posters. Kind of a joke at ourselves for leaving you all hanging for so long.

Congrats on the job man.


Dumb question…Can i share the alternate version of my submission to the forum?