To What Do You Owe Your Happiness Today?

I’ve missed you, ya big galoot. hugs


Miss ya too as well as this place! Learned a lot here that I still use and had some fantastic times with all yall! HUGE Hugs!

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Cmon, we all know you’re buying them, not selling them.

Congrats on getting married!

I’ve missed both you fuckers!!!

I wrote recently about being frustrated to catch covid my first week at my new job, but on the bright side I’m trapped in my bedroom studio for 3-5 days. There are people who’d pay good money to have the chance to be left alone in the studio for that kind of time.


Indeed, me included!


Same here, even one day would be nice :laughing:

And get well soon @White_Noise!


Well, I ended up getting some time to finish my next batch of collage scans, buuuuut it was because I took myself to the ER early this morning. I seem to be doing better now, which makes me happy.

I most probably have a seriously infected sinus, which was causing stabbing pain on the right side of my face including my nose, behind my eye, my ear canal, my jaw, the glands under my jaw, and every tooth on my right side. I had to keep my jaw opened as far as I could to relieve the pressure. Got pretty doped up on some crazy strong pain meds for a bit there, and will hopefully get back to my normal schedule tomorrow.


CDJs and mixer out of storage and setup. Kitchenette Disco is open for business bay-be!


Turns out my problem was probably caused by a tooth filling that needs replaced and exposed my nerve. I had to find that out the hard way. Got some emergency sealant on it and have an emergency kit with me, but can’t make an appointment yet because of the huge internet outage.

Beer and soft foods for me this weekend.

Getting some tattoo work done tomorrow. Definitely not cancelling that.

It has been, and will continue to be a week of pain lol.

Edit: me and my tattoo friend mutually agreed to move the date back. Too much of a busy week for the both of us. It’ll be better in the long run. “Defintely not cancelling that.” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hellllllll yes get it!!! Imma do the same later. Just went through another tune buying spree on bandcamp - so excited to spin some new tunes!

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I love looking for dance music on Bandcamp. Defintely found more than a handful of gems that were not on any other services I checked.

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Oh yeah totes! You can get some hard to find badass vinyl by browsing the new arrivals sections. Another bandcamp trick I like is just hovering over the recently bought section that scrolls at the top of the main page. Thats how I found out about Master Boot Record and KEYGEN among quite a few others.


I’m fine where I am.

I’m fine where things are.


I have officially paid off another quarter of my mortgage as of today. It’s taken me ten months to get it half paid, although I think the next quarter is gonna take about six months to get done. So with my down payment on the house, that means the total thing is 6/8 paid!


That’s awesome man. I am so glad to not be renting anymore. A mortgage payment is still a monthly payment, but it is way less then rent!

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Joined the mortgage club myself last month, finally moved into a house in a quiet neighborhood. Little farther from Lake Michigan than i’d like but it’s dead silent and easy access. Have a nice entire basement to myself as well, which I’ve dedicated quite a large amount to an oil painting studio / computer recording bench. Considering getting another kit to put down here but unsure.

Housing market was an absolute mother fucker, things move so quickly. I got very lucky even at getting in with a 7.125% rate and closing 30k above asking. Lol.


@nose that’s cool that you have a basement. I lost out on a house that had what seemed like a nice basement which would have been cool for karaoke parties, but it had some work that I wanted done which would have been expensive and it’s on a really busy street, which is what I tell myself when I get pissed I didn’t get it lol.

I’m lucky that the housing market isn’t as ravenous around here, but it’s still pretty ravenous. I feel like houses sell within a day, a week, or they just sit there forever.

I plan on moving to another house closer to the area I used to rent, but this time I’m paying cash and not fucking with the banks. I’m coming prepared and armed next time!

Also, weren’t you in SLC a while back? Are you around Illinois now?


Moved to Milwaukee 2 years ago :slight_smile: – been a very nice change of pace. My old bandmate of 15+ years got me a job out here post covid and since then we’ve been making records again and I started a new career path. It’s been pretty good.

Big ups on the house progress man, that’s fuckin’ incredible. Paying a house off like that is nutty. You’re killin it