The IDMf Open Compilation - The thread to end all threads

As mentioned in the Pulse Check thread:

The Open Compilation will remain open all year round. There are no submission dates, no deadlines. It’s fair game.

Submissions will be through the standard means. Either through our email ( or via DM on the forum and private Soundcloud link. Please do not send files, always provide a download link. You can also refer to the “Submit your music” link in the header of this site.

The Listening Booth is our bread and butter. This is where the compilations all began in 2008, and this is where they will continue to prevail. We will scan the Listening Booth for potentials and contact those artists directly if they would like to release their track on the comp. We already have our ears on a few tracks going around.

We will also venture outside of this immediate community to seek interested parties on other sites, such as Reddit, Gearspace, and other social media.

We aim to release once a year. If entries become more plentiful, then we can re-evaluate.

Will accept unreleased/unmastered tracks for consideration. Submissions do not guarantee placement and you will need to let us know if your track is released elsewhere during the curation process.

Consider February the release date for the next comp.

Looking forward to it!


holy shit

I put on my wizard cape and hat


really love the idea of this staying open for a full year, making it annual. Brilliant idea and gives a crazy amount of time for everyone. Nice! Ima try to get in on this for sure.


Wondering about the term “open genre”. Isn’t it still kind of the idea that it’s supposed to be related to IDM somehow?

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that’s actually a good question. @manton ?

It is a good question. That’s just always what we’ve called it around here, but it’s time for a review.

The idea is that we are taking submissions of electronic music that is IDM but also not strictly IDM. Although from my observations, people use the category IDM when the music is hard to categorise/doesn’t strictly fit into the boundaries of a specific genre.

If you have a listen to IDMf 003 or IDMf Retrospective Vol. 2 (highly recommended) you will hear a lot of range in those comps in terms of genre, but it all flows and works as a coherent album.

I think a better way to describe it, is open sub-genre

We wouldn’t put a straight up hard techno track in the midst of a full complement of “IDM”. However, if it flows, it goes. But also, if it glitches, it pitches. :slight_smile:

Just consider submitting your most IDM track even if it doesn’t strictly fit IDM, an we will see how and if it fits within the context of the other submitted tracks.

Hopefully that’s a bit clearer and not more confusing!


That makes sense, thank you!

Since some artists here also make music in styles like rock or metal, I thought it might include stuff like that as well - like an open stage night. If you contact people outside the forum, it’s possible that they could interpret it the same way…

And thank you for the recommendations! I’ve been meaning to give the retrospectives a listen anyway - but your catalogue is honestly a bit overwhelming:)

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Indeed, which was one the motivations to make the Retrospectives. 3 more volumes to go :slight_smile:

The netlabel released a metal track in the past of @KvlT’s (Agent Slimepunk). In my opinion that didn’t really work in the context of the album. Nothing against that track, I just would have done things differently had I been in control. That’s not to say that a metal style wouldn’t be released, but it would need to be “IDMed” in some way - Think Igorrr

There is quite a lot of DnB and dubstep style tracks, even some electro acoustic tracks that have been released on this label. In general, be creative and innovative.


Thanks again!

I can see how finding the right balance can be tricky. Too much gatekeeping could mean you risk losing out on some otherwise cool stuff, but at the same it’s probably good if people considering participating can read a little more about what you’re looking for.

PS: I’m not really into their music, but that Igorrr video with the old guy on a motorbike is amazing:)

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This is the way I feel the open comps should have been done for a very long time now. I know Ive mentioned going this direction a couple times. I will def be submitting before end of year with a track or two


Yeah man, i realised this and agreed with you. So here we are!


Hopefully the model works or it seems the open genre comps may be dead lol. I love the idea of them too.

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Mate the only thing that will be dead will be the line for the submissions so we can prepare the comp for release.

December 31st


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I wll be submitting to this in 2035


But only if you make the track now, then it will hit different in 2035


Quick reminder to @everyone about this: subs for the February release close December 31st 2024 so we can prepare for it. Any subs after that time will be considered for the next release.


Reminder to @trust_level_0

Subs for the February release close December 31st 2024, so we can prepare for it. Any subs after that time will be considered for the next release.

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Oh shit! I thought the deadline was the 25th for some reason. Might make a last minute submission.

3 days to go folks!

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