The IDMf Open Compilation - The thread to end all threads

Submission Submitted, down to the wire as always. Haha

I started a brand new track for this one. I had several ideas I had been tinkering with, but decided to take things a different direction in the end. Here are the four other tracks i had been working on that never made the cut (for various reasons, including Logic Pro being a memory leaking, settings corrupting piece of shit.)


Mine is done, just havent had much time to upload it. Will be doing that late tonight and sending the link over

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Thank god soundcloud fixed that issue. Everything sounded absurdly shitty for a 48-hour period, and many others noticed

Wrapping up my sub now, if there’s still time :grinning:


Your tracks never cease to amaze me. I don’t even know how you pull this stuff off :exploding_head:


Hey @trust_level_0

If you’re sitting on a track and are worried about it being past the deadline, just send it in. I wont call the deadline closed until the mastering stage which is probably late next week at this point. Quite busy at the moment.