Television Thread

Shameless u.s. version is a gem…


Agree. It’s great the way they’ve managed to keep the writing consistent and how you see the kids grow up, etc. I’ve stopped around the beginning of the final season, got to finish it someday.

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Watched “Forst” on Netflix. A 6-episode Polish TV series that goes from a-OK to beyond cretinous in the last 2 episodes. You think it’s going to get better as you go, but nope… It keeps getting worse and worse until the baffling ending. Not even funny stupid, just painfully moronic.

X men 97…

Been watching clips on youtube…

Comic accurate…

Great story…

Good writing…

lol, my new favorite show finally has a second episode. Stoked to watch this later :grin:

I hate the character littefinger from game of thrones…

Good thing bran stark caught him and held him accountable for his crimes.

if you hate the character, it’s generally a sign of a good character/actor. I felt this way about Joffery (as most people do).


I’m currently re-watching Supernatural m, because i love cheesy spooky stuff.
Finally got to the episode where Abbadon is introduced. She…(weakly fans my face with my hand)…she gives me the vapours.
Something about gothic dommy-mommies…

I loved him! I was sad that he died :laughing:

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