New IDMf Netlabel Comp! Submissions Closed!


New IDMf Netlabel Comp!
As 2020 plods well into it’s third month, there have been some noticeable changes: birds are out in full force trying to get their birdy groove on, the rain is getting warmer, nobody stands near each other even if none of them are gassy, and there has been a meteoric drop in the rate of TP related vandalism across the globe.

But there is one change above all others that has been tickling the brains of your netlabel team. A far older, more subtle and yet constant evolution that is so fundamental and yet so wide in scope that your humble netlabel team has not been able to come to a full understanding of it all. To this end, we need your help. Please join us in our efforts to quantify for all time:

Oh look, an arrow! I bet we should click it!

What is IDM in 2020?

What does this venerable genre mean to you personally in the year 2020?

How has it changed, how has it stayed the same?
What makes a track undeniably IDM after all these years?

Answers will only be accepted in song form. You have 6 weeks (due date midnight May 1st) to deliver your sonic response to the netlabel team via the usual channel ( Please also refer to our submission guidelines. Tracks will be reviewed by a larger, more distinguished group this time around: the mod team is onboard and will participate in the decision making processes. Bring your A-game folks: we will only release a comp if we have enough tracks of good quality to do so.

EDIT: So I totally had the wrong email address in there for submissions…writing copy like a boss over here. Fixed, and will be extra-posted below for visibility

EDIT: new deadline is May 22 for submissions. That is three additional weeks friends. Use them well!


An idm comp I’m so in…


Well I am mostly up and running again so I am giving this a go.
My track record is not good with these things but…I’m still In.


I would encourage anyone to just submit where ever they get with their song. Of the few fucked up things I have seen posted here and there through out the years on IDMf, I’ve never seen anyone mock someone for submitting to a community comp and not getting on. Literally only the judges will listen to it and we only make fun of you guys a little behind your backs. You know, like the normal amount.


Question: is it possible to submit a song from an album that was independently released not too long ago? (Jan 2020). It’s not like a million people have heard of it, so that shouldn’t be a big deal…?

That would certainly be cool to have one of my songs on this compilation if you guys like any of them.

No. Original material only.

OK - figured but had to ask!

Well, if I finish a few things I’ve been working on, I may submit those.

It is always OK to ask IMO.

Would love to have something from you if you get anything finished : )

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lol submitted…my excuse is that im under quarantine and i have a cold( no corona) i literally have nothing else to do hence the early submission…

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I’m defo just doing some kind of all music day tomorrow. Honestly, I may do an “isolation mix” like every other DJ but…lol…

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Hey all, I pulled a total pro move and had the wrong email address in the announcement. It has been fixed, and for easy access without having to scroll a whole 11 posts up, submit your shiz to:


no no no no no no no nooooo corona

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This time around we decided to raise the bar quite high, so my suggestion is to hold on, sit on it, make sure you’re 110% happy with your track before you submit.
I haven’t listened to your submission yet so I’m not referring to your track in particular.

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Good, because I like idm also I’m 110%happy about an idm comp on idmf…

edit:i listened to my track, the volume boosted master bus compressed version…and im happy with the idm/semi post-rock track i submitted


My corona beer :smiley:

Guys we want this to be an exploration of what IDM means in 2020 for people who are on a forum called IDMf.
It doesn’t have to strictly be ‘canon’ idm, this is all about your interpretation, your own take on what idm means to you.

It can be a track focused on outstandingly detailed sound design, it can be an ambient piece with super detailed glitches, a breakbeat inferno of highly structured microcuts and edits. The keywords here being Intelligent and Music more than Dance.

And we want this to become a flagship release for the label, with the highest possible quality so we will be stricter than usual but if we get the quality we’re after, we’ll be investing more money than usual in promotion.


Well said Auto. :point_up: this all about YOUR interpretation of what IDM is TO YOU in 2020. Be creative!


just seen this… got some tracks i could consider finishing up and submitting to this…now just a matter of which one…