JK, deadline is September 19th. I’ll be putting my scripts and snippets up for others to use, too, so no fancy program is required. Anyone else is free to do the same!
All of my nerd shit will be hidden with spoilers so if you’d rather just use PS, GIMP or something else to do your editing you won’t have to be bothered by random ass stuff popping up
Nerd shit right here
Get my script // Get processing (+ top right corner, install Python mode and drag the image into the window)
S saves your image
F inverts the current pixels
Left bracket makes the image smaller
Right bracket makes the image bigger
Mouse paints
Ctrl/Cmd + K reveals your saved file folder
2 days left on the challenge, but lately we’ve been doing stuff past the deadline anyway so I’ll probably still throw some stuff at the wall in here and share some snippets if anyone else wants to give them a try