IDMf058 Album Title POLL CLOSED

Hey guys, we need an album title. It should be…housey. GO.

(We want to see what you guys come up with for this. It needs to get done realtively soon though, as the title is kind of necessary for the album cover art, so…one week?)


UPDATE: Ok, looks like we have some great ideas, and a few early leaders in the running. I thinned the list down a tad already as the forum limits polls to 20 entries anyway. :stuck_out_tongue: (If anyone feels all slighted and stuff because I did not add a particular entry, you probably have way too much emotional energy invested in this and should really get out and take a walk, or do something to make yourself feel pretty. And then vote ofc.) (no really, I just filtered what seemed to not send a clear message or sounded too obscure, or had the word “rave” in it to get under 20. 18 is a lot, now go vote!)

  • Totally not EDM
  • Random Access Memories
  • Under Construction
  • That’s A Mighty Big House You’ve Got There
  • Unsustainable Footprint
  • Home Sweet Home
  • how53
  • Foundations
  • System 4
  • Patterned Behaviors
  • Ventrical Expressions
  • Open house
  • 4 2 the floor
  • 10 year mortgage loans with a 5%interest rate
  • Party in my moms basement
  • Get off my lawn
  • Fourth floor up
  • I Can’t Believe It’s Not House!
0 voters

Happy happy fun time with Dadaist glee pompoms

Totally not edm

Random access memories

Muses of the rave

Under Construction

That’s A Mighty Big House You’ve Got There

Domestic Highrises

Home Sweet Home

The Embroidery’s On The Wall

One Room To Rule Them All

Less For More

House Rule

Front Porch Rave

Unsustainable Footprint

Noseblind Welcome Mat


Go Away





System 4

Fourth Foundry

Renegade Quads

Patterned Behaviors

Ventrical Expressions

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10 year mortgage loans with a 5%interest rate

Party in my moms basement

Get off my lawn

Insert album title

Open house

4 2 the floor

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@bfk you should combine multi-posts with your previous one so we can take all of them into equal account :wink:

I know half of bfk’s are shitposts, but I legitly like Open House or Party in my Mom’s Basement. Or Open House Party in my Mom’s Basement.

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dog… try 30 years lol


“Open House” ain’t bad

actually kind of clever, if i’m being honest.

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Personally I actually like


4 2 the floor

As album titles, honestly I wouldn’t listen to an album called party in my moms basement

If it’s voted to be called Open house I could live with it

Fourth floor up


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The House of Nerds
I Can’t Believe It’s Not House!
The House Album
Music For Deeply Closeted Gay Men

Party In My Mom’s Basement or Open House are both actually pretty cool–I can imagine some pretty particular covers coming from those that could be fun. I’d prefer something fun/silly over something too serious (unless tongue in cheek).

+1 For Open House

When does a poll launch, btw?


seems like a good idea right about now.

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For quick access if you’ve come here and find yourself automatically at the bottom of the thread.
Click here to vote in the poll!


Wait “Random Access Memories” is on this list? That’s a Daft Punk album lol.

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