From the torch-lit dungeons dank with fungus to the tops of the pine forests blowing a gust of pollen, tell me your story, adventurer. What was the beast you slew that night out in the vast dunes? Did you really survive through the aboleth’s abyssal plane? How many apparitions approached you while in the moor? Were you revived from death while crossing the mountains? Tell me about your cursed sword.
Give me a song that illustrates a fantasy event, setting, or character using the surplus of audio recordings below.
Audio Pack:
You are not required nor expected to download all of these field recordings, but rather choose your arsenal & roll with it.
To not feel overwhelmed, start with the 15 recordings from 2010 (7z compression): MEGA
If you want more as I hope you will use, the entire folder is:
available in 7z packs or flac compression.
other formats available on request
audio file listing
mind you I dropped some I initially considered
2009/0131_083341.WAV - cat
1 2009/0203_025702.WAV - high heels
2009/0216_230510.WAV - diesel
2 2009/0219_002957.WAV - metal pipe
3 2009/0223_175917.WAV - pipe throw
2009/0331_142831.WAV - radio feedback
4 2009/0423_145222.WAV - vibrating of sorts
5 2009/0909_184545.WAV - can smash
6 2009/0927_183731.WAV - sloshy water
2009/1118_192919.WAV - springy
7 2009/1120_174845.WAV - snow walk
8 2010/0113_142017.WAV - vinyl piano
9 2010/0126_093916.WAV - drum kick
10 2010/0321_141555.WAV - church reverb + ac
11 2010/0423_073058.WAV - ice breaker
2010/0510_034449.WAV - chicken?
2010/0511_215935.WAV - aerosol
12 2010/0512_054512.WAV - spachula
13 2010/0608_104724.WAV - wall latch
14 2010/0608_104831.WAV - table drop
15 2010/0608_105526.WAV - liquid shake
16 2010/0608_105715.WAV - glass ping
2010/0612_171919.WAV - tropical rain windscreen
2010/0621_205102.WAV - cat purr
17 2010/0715_165632.WAV - pipe play
18 2010/0715_175100.WAV - crow waters
19 2010/0717_172557.WAV - bird over water
20 2010/0730_203042.WAV - whistling over wind drag
21 2010/0803_133859.WAV - creek
2010/0806_043049.WAV - no loon
22 2010/1005_181340.WAV - creepy ac
23 2011/0610_222014.WAV - wood knock
24 2011/0620_155330.WAV - metal toss
25 2011/0816_110251.WAV - biosphere2 lung
26 2011/0916_113910.WAV - tape stretch
27 2011/1019_205123.WAV - gma clock
28 2012/0708_134006.WAV - C410
29 2012/0708_135114.WAV - C411
30 2012/0802_221730.WAV - kalimba gourde
2013/0710_154352.WAV - city dump
2013/0717_110100.WAV - airplane loon
2013/0717_211811.WAV - silent loon
2013/0717_212020.WAV - far loon
I own all these samples & declare them free (as in beer) to use & free (as in Stallman) to manipulate. I hope your usage of them does not end with this thread.
- include a 2nd form of media that illustrates your music (e.g. paragraph story, poem, image)
- while synthetic sounds are fine (this is IDMF after all), keep it grounded & earthy sounding (eg something one would hear off a fantasy movie/videogame OST)
- avoid inhibition. I want you to be satisfied with your tune & will help you out with any means I have.
Poll below: BB105: Fantasy Book of Sounds - #22 by Vulpes
// due date extended, no set time. possibly after IDMF comp // 2019-11-11 (Mon) 00:00
Lastly, surfing through Amazon, I’d like to grant the winner a prize for their efforts. For those of you who don’t have a recorder, once you get in the mindset, you start hearing your world in completely different ways.
I apologize if I’ve set anything up incorrectly. This is my 1st time hosting a BB after all. Submit all corrections below.