Announcing IDMf066 VA - Open Genre Compilation Competition


These days I’m more inclined to shorten my songs, since “ain’t nobody got time for that” aka nobody listens to long songs anymore (which sucks, but what can you do). Trying to keep it in the 4-5 minutes max range.

My entry for this is roughly 85% done. I’m very happy with the song & concept so far.


After sleeping on it for a few days, and early feedback from outside of IDMf, I think I am going to shorten it. I think dropping to around 7-8 minutes shouldn’t be too difficult, should get rid of the worst of the repetiviness. Plus, getting back into the project with fresh objectives might help me tighten up a few other things that were “good enough” before.


@Slime submission received.

Not yet downloaded though so keep it up if you can until the deadline. I like to grab them all at once.



Pulled out the digital razor blade today and chopped my track down to 7:00 from 9:15, and I think it was for the best. Really just threw away everything where there wasn’t automation moving, just kept the parts that I need to transition from the start state to the end state. I suspect to a listener there’s now enough going on for the duration to keep you engaged.

Going to sit it on it for a bit more and re-work the drums, but just now it’s dinner time.


What is the policy if a track gets accepted, can I use it on a project later on? I have a track I want to submit but it also will be featured at some point on a personal project.


Use as you see fit. IDMf has never been a stickler for ownership rights on peoples music dating right back to IDMf001. It’s all CC BY anyway.

IDMf Netlabel - Demo & Submission Policy - IDMf Netlabel Releases - IDM Forums


I actually submitted a few days ago (and hear one thing I’d consider changing now). Just had a lot going on IRL this week and forgot to let everyone know.


I received your original PM @White_Noise just to confirm but if you want to make corrections and submit another that’s fine.


Just submitted something for this :partying_face:


Thanks. I’ll take another listen later. I got my Covid shot yesterday and turns out I’m super sick now (which definitely started yesterday afternoon, looking back), so my hearing might be off. I don’t know if I need to make a tweak or not until I get better. Typing on my keyboard feels like a bassdrum going off in my jaw, so can’t really trust the 'ol earholes right now.


I got the Covid & flu shots a month-ish ago. Was feeling off for a couple days with painful arms.

I actually got Covid last week (at a friend’s wedding…). The effect was mild: mostly feeling “out there”, tired, some night sweat/shakes one night, bit of a sore throat that lasted 2, maybe 3 days at the max. So all in all, not complaining.

After that, on Friday night last week just before going to see Nick Cave (excellent solo show), I discovered the carpet was all wet and the wall had mold growing on it and on/inside some storage boxes. Turns out the shower in my apt leaked in the wall of my sliding door closet office (and music room), damaging books, mostly.

After finding the leak, repairing the broken part and removing the moldy drywall, the repairmen are coming tomorrow to fix & paint the wall. The carpet has to be replaced as well. All in all, what a pain in the ass and there goes my hopes of working on my submission this week. Hopefully sometimes next week then, unless another shitty random event happens…


Damn, hope it didn’t ruin anything too valuable. Sounds like a very close call with the music room :open_mouth:


dude that sucks! all the best man. hope you get it sorted fast! My brothers studio flooded a few years ago. lucky he got an insurance payout for some synths that only had some cosmetic damage. soo…bought more synths :smile:


At least you got to see Cave and Greenwood! I’m not really a Nick Cave fan but even I can look at that and see how much of an amazing show it would have been.Just piano and bass right? Legendary.


@metaside got it!

As a reminder please everyone just keep your tracks up and don’t worry if you don’t see anything hit the download count until subs close.


Yup, it could have been much worse. One weird thing is a guitar (thankfully I didn’t care too much about) started getting mold inside its gig bag (on the neck and some strings rusted). I removed the strings & deep cleaned it. Don’t think the electronics got fucked but I haven’t plugged it yet, we’ll see.

The wall was fixed this morning. Now I have to wait on the cleaning of the carpet before I can move my things back and access music desk & synths… Hoping it’s done by next Wednesday at the latest.

I’m going to try & get some monies from the renters’ insurance. Not holding my breath there.


Thank you and well done to your brother - that’s the spirit!!


Yes. He’s such an incredible performer. He would just get up between songs, talk to the audience and you could feel the charisma from a mile away. One of his recent songs is “Balcony Man” so he told folks on the balcony (where I was) to go wild every time he said “balcony man”. That was epic, as we’d get up and scream or clap as loudly as possible throughout the whole song.

I love his early albums - especially “Your funeral…” and “Tender Prey”. Kind of stopped listening for a while after Blixa Bargeld left the Bad Seeds and caught up a bit with his numerous later records recently.


That’s awesome. Nothing quite like a live show especially if it’s music you love that you can give yourself over to. Sounds like you did.

