Your imagination vs. experimental music


There’s no limit to ones imagination, but imagination can also be unhealthy like a rabbit hole that you probably don’t want to fall down. It has to be reasoned to the extent that your imagination and creativity is doing good for your wellbeing - that what you’re doing isn’t just causing stress, or putting you in undesired moods…what do you think about this?


All music is experimentation.

Yes it sucks that you dont get it right like you want it but it is the part of the process.


Whenever I hear or see the word “experimental” I just prepare myself for a song that the musician had way more fun making than anyone in the audience is going to have listening to it.


Edit: Will delete when I am able to.


My experimental music is totally self indulgent…but also each experimental piece is sorta my own personal documentation of me trying different techniques and compositional ideas…

So each track I’ve made is more me trying something in the effort of learning…

Do I expect or consider myself a professional…nope…also I’m not that good…I mean yea if really put a lot more effort into it maybe it would be different.

Do I expect anybody to listen to it and gain fans…nope…

But If some have learned from some the tracks I’ve made, yep even the horribad stuff I’ve made… and use some of my tracks as reference a stepping stone or an inspiration to make something better…

I mean that is the only reason why I make experimental stuff…to learn, to practice new ideas, and as a reference give someone else inspiration to think outside the box and make something better than what I made…I mean yeah even though I’m just a dime a dozen…still…at least I have an idea how to make dubstep basslines combined with idm break core drums and boc sounding pads…

And if someone needs my help I will try my best to be helpful.

Either way if I’ve learned something and so did someone else in regards to music then I’m good so…

As far as my imagination…half bad idea and half decent idea…

And learning which musical ideas work and which dont, that process is painstakingly difficult. But like it’s been said it’s part of the process.