Why are the emojis creepy on the site šŸ˜–

Is there a way to not allow the site to override my default apple :apple: emojis? This is for my phoneā€‹:iphone: . The ones it replaces mine with are making me uncomfortable, thx


Nothing will ever be as good as the old emojis. RIP

Emojis are a reflection of the forum members. If you find them creepy, then you find all of us creepy, you included.

Tsk tsk, I would think someone of your respected stature here would know the difference between emoticon and emoji? And secondly nothing to stop us from having both?


Just focus on fixing the apple emojis first please and thx you robot overlordā€‹:heart::pray:



damnā€¦ yeah, where are the old emojis >:(

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whoever still uses emojis
this is 2020 godamitt

EVERYTHING got wiped out in the server crash. How many times do we have to say it lol?


Today, in a FB group, someone said ā€œThanks for the add!ā€. And just like that it was 2005 again, when MySpace was the place to waste your time on.

Seriously thoughā€¦ ā€œThanks for the add!ā€ in 2020.

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We will come full circle when FB allows you to mod your own profile page to the extent Myspace did. Itā€™ll happen.

I wish there were at least one decent social site to compete against FB.

The bloated Zuckerberg monster has really overstayed its welcome by a few years now.

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I find it crazy there isnā€™t even any sense of alternative. You have FB, and then all the other ā€œimageā€ based social mediasā€¦ like instagram (owned by FB so same shit basically), snapchat, tiktokā€¦

I hate it all. I deleted my social media years ago and never looked back.

Make myspace cool again lol


I do use Instagram quite a bit, because it helps me remember places Iā€™ve been, etc, which can become lost in memories easily as years go by relentlessly. Pains me that itā€™s owned by FB, for sure. They havenā€™t entirely ruined it yet but thatā€™s probably going to happen.

Myspace was never cool though - have you forgotten the dread of visiting a page just to be stuck forever while the script is trying to load 25 music video links at once, with the sound blaring and all kinds of gif or other crap are hurting your eyes in the meantime? :wink:

I was just being facetious, I agree lol. The browser deaths were real.

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I was just being facetious, I agree lol.

Derp, I missed the sarcasm there hehe

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