What is DJ Mixtape?


Is it the same as Dj Set but packed in mp3 album ?

like this https://youtu.be/HIXwkduDI3w but sliced to tracks ?


It is just a recorded DJ set, yes. It is called a “tape” because they used to actually be recorded directly to cassette. They were often promotional and not a recording, necessarily, of a live event.


It can also be a short album of tracks, released before the next big album, usually less sophisticated and more based on freestyle and released for free without labels, for instance: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lupe_Fiasco_discography#Mixtapes
Edit: But of course that’s not a “DJ” mixtape.


Yes! Absolutely. This is true too. I think maybe the general spirit of mixtapes is that they are usually informal in some manner but representative of the artist.