I have just been off grid for a few days with my family.
I’m still around.
Last night I had a dream that I met @relic. We embraced like old friends as we greeted. Im not sure what the purpose of the dream was. He had a can of drink called INTHEAM. That’s all i remember.
I’m struggling with music distribution at the moment and considering pulling the plug on it.
They have all these dumb ass rules and regulations that get in the way of what art is supposed to be. Here’s a few notes:
They don’t allow random casing on anything u less you can prove your big enough to “deserve” it. For example: “IDMf” is not acceptable and thus why the retrospectives are listed as “Idmf”. This really bothers me.
You are not allowed to have an artist as a main artist and remixer on the same release.
Various Artists releases just show up in a cess pool of 6 million VA releases and cannot be collated from a label perspective.
And the latest issue which has tipped me over the edge: you cannot have “Tribute” in the title of a track. “Tribute” is only allowed in album titles that are tributes. So here is CD Baby telling artists how to name their tracks.
I told them to go fuck themselves with that bullshit.
I don’t suppose anyone is wondering but if they were, this is the reason Retrospective Vol. 3 is not on streaming services at the moment, because of “Tribute to Adventure Time”.
What’s worse is that I had this release on streaming already, they accepted it the first time, but Toronto Is Broken’s management issued a takedown for his track “Like You” because it didn’t fit his current “brand”. Ok fair enough, i didn’t fight that. So i had to take down the entire release (because you can’t just remove one track, which is another issue I have). Upon resubmission they flagged the Tribute thing.
Im very annoyed because i feel strongly about letting artist be artists, but at the same time his track is old and who know where or what Kris Cadwell is doing these days. Meanwhile, Morpion, who provided a new track for this release, doesn’t get what he is promised.
I think I will just have to remove Tribute to Adventure Time as Im not renaming it.