Pandemic social distancing diary thread


Also I’m one of those filthy fucks that can’t handle modern strength weed so I prefer spliffs with some nice tobaccy for more burn and enjoyment


I think learning to roll your own joint was a right of passage for people up to a certain age. I’ve talked to some young people who have never even smoked regular flower so.


Lots of people all about the “carts” these days. Never had a vape pen that got me high in a way that was matched. Give me the hippy shit.

That’s not even getting started on dabs and “rigs” and shit. Yikes, not for me.


I don’t like the vape high, but I currently bought one for my gf because she just can’t inhale smoke at all and now is finally able to smoke weed but it isn’t for me. I feel like it has all the weird paranoia but nothing else. Like I don’t mind that fucked up thoughts high sometimes but not all the time.

I can’t even get dabs or wax so that is all a wash for me. The one time I smoked a dab it was like "that’s as high as I want to be all night’ in one go.

Its all different. But like nothing makes me happier than seeing a giant, stank ass bud I’m about to destroy.

There is room for everybody, I just don’t want myself or anyone going to jail for having a joint in their pocket. For getting years of prison because the got caught w a few ounces.


@nose was kind enough to send me a sweet laptop with a broken screen. I am making progress in creating a Frankenstein beast. I also got my scanner up and running and sent him an Alien collage for his efforts. I’ll post it once he gets it.


Fuck yea man! So cool, the idmF <3


It’s the one place that doesn’t make me want to take a shower. And you spelled IDMf wrong…


even my fav. normally cool facepage groups are kinda gross right now : ( idmF idmF idmF


I also hit up a local magazine guy and got thirteen free porn mags for collage purposes. His initial response; “I’m not giving you my good stuff!”

Told a local friend about it. Her response; “Please don’t send me any porn.” :stuck_out_tongue:

Currently waiting for superglue to dry from this computer project (it’s all over my fingers) before beginning a new collage based on a hysterical face I found.


Are you building a desktop?

EDIT: I just read your comment, you’re actually BUILDING a computer?


I plugged a sweet laptop into a screen and managed to superglue some shit I found at work to make this screen stand level with it.


Nice mod @Vlantis! Glad that old beast of mine went to a good use. It’s been sitting collecting dust for way too long, cool it’s slayin’ for ya.

can’t wait for the Alien collage!!

happy to help a fellow IDMfer out :]


I currently got superglue all over the place. Used a knife to get rid of it from the glass. It chewed up some stuff, but I’m letting it sit and doing this properly. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I always end up super gluing something to myself when I use it lol

@Vlantis I think acetone will breakdown your basic super glue if you need to clean something up.


did you all fucking see this lol


Lol this is wild @relic, what the fuck.

What’s the best case scenario for this kind of thing? In the ultimate dystopia when all electricity is killed off in EMP warfare and our tech is dead, some drunk cock in the mountains can walk in on this and go…

“Oh cool I think we can probably scrap a lot of this metal”?

For use in a time where time doesn’t matter, maybe.

It’s cool in theory that being said.


I mean what the fuck else is this dude gonna do with that money…he got divorced and still has god-like money


I’m a watch guy and I missed it.

Accurate timetelling is hard. Accurate timetelling over this kind of timescale has never been done before. I mean, think about the past 3 thousand years or so, we:

  1. Added a couple months in to the calendar, most notably August

  2. Reset our currently agreed upon year count to 0 once. There were probably some others for a while too, which means some history isn’t recorded in terms of BC/AD and still needs conversion.

  3. Reset the calendar again in like 1200 or something, skipping a month and a half in the process.

  4. Added leap years, leap days, and leap seconds to the calendar.

  5. Defined the seconds, minutes, and hours at some point, didn’t really start keeping regularly accurate track of them until 400-500 years ago, and even that was only accurate for a given village.

  6. Began keeping accurate, synced time around the world around 200 years ago.

  7. Redefined the second (and therefore the minute and hour) to be a certain number of vibrations of a specific cesium atom.

  8. Set up a group of atomic clocks that all computers worldwide reference to keep an agreed upon time worldwide.

And this is not even 1/3 of the way through the 10,000 year span of that clock. It can’t trust that society will even still view time in the same way as we do now in 10,000 years, so it can’t have any external reference that isn’t something like THE FRICKING SUN. Good luck changing that significantly in 10,000 years.


Literally every article I’ve read on it or anything I’ve listened to about it has said basically this…like why are you assuming this will even be relevant in 10, 000 years? By then if there are humans will they even recognize it as a time piece at all ?


I think it’s interesting. This thing will probably have a bathtub curve where it will have a bunch of interest during and just after construction, then it’ll be forgotten about, then it might survive and some future society might be able to rediscover it and figure out what it’s doing. Kinda like the renaissance. And who knows, maybe they reverse engineer something out of it and they can rebuild their society that bit faster. IDK, deep time is some trippy shit.