
Let’s talk about this.
I think it is very important and no one talking about this.

I found my Zoom MRS-8 is way better than my pc when it comes to summing. :scream_cat: :scream_cat: :scream_cat: :scream_cat:

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Also it worth mentioning that i’ve done perfect mixes inside daw without anything. :grin: :sunglasses: It just sounded awesome from the start maybe because of my pc wanted to sound like awesome. Today i have different setup and i need find ways to mix tracks another way.

Usually to talk about a topic you have to ignite a conversation by offering something.

Summing is mixing, and there are 1000’s of youtube videos talking about mixing.

What about mixing do you wanna talk about?

Why is the Zoom MRS 8 better at mixing than a PC?

What is your new setup?

Don’t really know how to help you because you haven’t asked a question. :wink:


No questions. I just created a topic so I wouldn’t forget how to make tracks, you figured me out! :smiley:

Maybe someone just wanted to share something on this topic.

I read the gearspace forum and there people say some pretty interesting things with registration from 2003, but these are old messages of course.

By the way, it’s interesting why Zoom Mrs 8 sounds better when all the tracks are mixed through it? But again, it’s a matter of chance. I repeat, it was also not bad on the computer before i have lost my setup!

In the digital age, summing is just additive. Signal A + signal B, etc.

Typically when something isn’t summing right (trust me, I’ve fucked this up enough times to know firsthand when creating mixers and VCAs) you get a sort of unintended bitcrushing effect, because the values are no longer smooth but rigid and harsh. You’re basically missing detail but on a pretty large scale that’s literally impossible to ignore, and not subtle enough to pass of as, “meh, maybe my sound card isn’t summing correctly”. And randomly, at that – what makes you think it just got tired and started doing shitty math?

So, no. If your mix sucks, it’s your fault (although, that’s in the eye of the beholder anyway – maybe it’s a good mix to someone else!)

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Summing is linear (input = output). So, the distortion is a non-linear component added to the signal (input + errors = output)