PROSAIC CINEMA - Erotomania $ystem


I’m proudly sharing with you my latest release Erotomania $ystem.
It’s available here

Distributed on monday on the streaming platforms.

It mix neoclassical, french pop, dark, “glam literary”, electroclash in a new romanticism and post industrial form.


  1. Lies
  2. Love Disconnection - Freudian Dissociation
  3. Erotomania $ystem
  4. Magnet

I like the mix of all of these different styles. I’ve at least listened to the first track and I enjoy the uneasy vibes it creates.
Kind of hate the second track, its done in a way that makes me cringe.
Gets a lot better with the third track, I really like the repetitive drums over the muffled synths. The soft audio crackling helps give off a lo fi vibe. Definitely the best track.
The final track is like the second track but better. The change 2 minutes really helps shake things up. Very solid closer.

Basically, you’ve got something good here. Sounds quite interesting, I’ll be here if an album based on this idea drops.

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Hey thank you groesk, I’ll take your feedback in consideration, stay tuned for a complete album on those ideas, give it some time. :slight_smile: