Pandemic social distancing diary thread


My sister’s fiance works for Bullet!!

He was laid off a month ago…

First time I ever got drunk was on two bottles of Fireball. The next day was…not pleasant.


Ive been buying the shit out if Bulliet :frowning: doing my part but Ive only one liver!

Fireball is disgusting. Sorry not sorry. It isnt whiskey lol. My first hangover was from Aftershock which was a peppermint/cinnamon garbage booze that had sugar crystals on the bottom of the bottle.


That’s literally the only thing people drank in Wyoming besides Budlite when I lived there. Maybe @IO_Madness can confirm lol.

That recipe is killer @relic I’m totally gonna have to try that out!


Its so fucking good. You may have to filter the stuff out if it sits too long. Usually not a problem. You can also peaches which Ill do when they are in season.

Going to experiment w an orange simple syrup, clove and star anise version. Make the syrup w orange peel, pour it peel and all into the jar. Let it setup a bit then and everything else. Or maybe the orange w a vanilla bean.


I know a dude who’s got an old bottle of Aftershock. Never tried it, but I’m familiar with the bottle.

I can’t really do whiskey. Nothing but bad experiences, and it gives me a headache. Try the Barrel Strength Bullet. Holy crap, that’ll put some hair on your chest.

Dragon’s Milk is amazing (the white stuff that comes in a can is fantastic. Just discovered them a few days ago, and supplies have run out), and apparently my dad likes it? We have NEVER agreed on a beer before. :joy:


How old were you when you first got drunk? Didn’t Fireball only come out like 10 years ago or so?


First time I ever got drunk was at 33. :stuck_out_tongue: Right after my divorce. Smoked weed like a fiend before that here and there. Got addicted to weed for two years (600 bucks a month, etc.) These days I like vodka, some good beer, and other people’s weed. I like(d) going out late night to the bars sober.

Damn, now I wanna tell my favorite weed story in Japan on video. Shit will get you prison for five years (at least at the time). We were idiots. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


How did you go so long not ever drinking? I thought that was like everyone’s thing, go out when you’re 21 and have beer.


I don’t know.:stuck_out_tongue: How did I live in Japan without drinking (where that’s the norm), but instead smoked weed which is HIGHLY illegal…? I don’t know how I did anything… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I never enjoyed mowing the lawn more than I did today. I mean…I didn’t take my time on purpose but it was nice. Could have used some sun it was like bright overcast.


When I used to mow the lawn at my parent’s house as a kid, it was always miserable because all the pollen and stuff from the weeds would be everywhere and get into my nose and mouth and I’d start sneezing and having allergies and it was terrible. I’d need a full on face mask and goggles and everything lol. Granted, this was no suburb short green grass lawn, we lived on a hill and got this really tall grass, as well as weeds and all sorts of stuff.


That s fucking awful. Lol.


Kind of one of those unspoken things, as a male, IDK. My parents drug me through mowing a fucking acre sized yard my entire childhood and I hated it - so much that my dad would buy me joke books on how to mow it better every year.

Now as an adult something clicked and I just get a serious satisfaction out of some landscaping and mowing. Fuckin’ odd trigger to say the least. Haha.


Ha! Last week I finally figured out who is mowing my lawn. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (I got no garage, and don’t want to spend two hours in my yard when it can be done in ten minutes).

  1. Weird, right? It was actually a niche Canadian whiskey blend that was really only available up north and competed with DeKuyper’s Hot Damn (despite being stronger and whiskey based).

They really ramped up their distribution and marketing in the late 00’s, which coincided with the flavored spirits boom. They key to their success was a widespread marketing campaign and heavy discounts in on-premise (read: bars), where they basically comped bottles for bartenders to make clever shots with. It’s now the top selling liqueur in the US. Wild shit.


Pickle bread. New recipe. Todays distraction. Needs more pickle.


Fuckin’ genius. Dill gang unite.

How is it?


The concept is good. Needs more dill and more pickle. Shoulda guessed but I always follow the directions the first time.


Whoa, that’s interesting! That’s a crazy marketing strategy! I’ve been looking through articles on all this, and it seems Fireball was originally made by Seagram, sold in a line of flavored liquors, who sold it to the Sazerac Company in 1989, who currently owns it, and didn’t do anything with it until all that you said happened!


Fireball is white trash baby making fuel.