Oh hi I didn't see you there

Hi all! My name’s Tristan. I’m a VJ and 3D artist by profession but have always made music. I make electronic music as Evasive Maneuvers (EvMan), and more recently as it’s angry breakcore/hardcore spinoff EvTek and Amiga junglist alter ego EvMod. I’ve been working on a lot of music recently that I want to try to release properly, and I decided that 2025 was going to be the year that I try to get more of it out there after a pretty long pause in releasing anything.
So far browsing this forum has been quite inspiring, I’m excited to share ideas and hear everyone’s tunes.


Pretty cool that you do that much music.
You have to have 30 posts in order to post threads in the listening booth subforum, but ill be interested to see what you have when the time comes.
2025 is gonna be the year i release most of the music i haven’t able to otherwise, but of course everything in the world doesn’t want me to record music so there’s more delays.

Thanks! Yeah it’s a common problem, life tends to get in the way. i sometimes wonder how much amazing music is out there that no one will ever hear because it just didn’t make it to the surface.

Welcome EvMan!

Careful, you might be mistook for an electric vehicle enthusiast.

I listened to your Dead Beat EP vol. 1. You got some talent my friend. Paco Already Knows Everything was my favourite.

Welcome to the forum, you’ll find some helpful feedback here, but the tips usually only get pointy if you also give feedback to others.

You seem legit and one of us will likely elevate your user level before the 30 posts if you interact with the community.


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Wow thanks man! Very humbling that you took the effort to give me a google. I feel like my more recent stuff has matured a lot since my older releases, I’m curious to know how those tunes might go over here too, when I’m ready to share them around. Either way, thanks for having me

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Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you have any you wish to share?
(Just pop a chopped-up link and I’ll have a listen…)

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I guess this might be okay to share here now. I recorded this liveset last week. Been having a lot of fun doing the EvTek hardware livesets. The sound is pretty lo fi but that’s kind of the point. Channeling a bit of early breakcore & gabber


woah, is that a 7 track cassette tape recorder? being used for effects? thats dope as all hell man.
how does the setup work with that?

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thanks! It’s a Tascam portastudio that I’m using just as a mixer for the 4 individual outputs from the octatrack, plus 2 outputs from the SP303 (through the Norns) into channel 5 and 6. There’s also a delay pedal on an effects send, and I’m using the other send channel to send the kick channel (1) to a compressor’s sidechain input, which the high end stereo stuff from the octatrack is going through to create some room in the mix. The mixer is being run really hot, so quite a lot of the overdrive is coming from the mixer itself. I really enjoy overdriving old mixers, it’s a classic technique and it helps create a kind of glueing feeling for everything. Then everything goes through another compressor which is setup more or less like a limiter to control the peaks. That’s pretty much it. It’s a fun setup!


This is really fire stuff!!!
The second track kinda reminds me of the Terraria Thorium Mod OST because of the bass…
The gabber kicks are on point! I can’t make very good gabber kicks, so props to you!

Thanks man! I’ve heard some of your kicks, they’re wild, super cool sound design. These are kind of primitive, just a drum machine pushed way too hot through an old mixer with some eq. But then I was also kind of going for that primitive punk approach with this.

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