Found out i can post finished stuff in this subforum, which is cool.
Finished this album in November of 2024, I personally think it gets going after the second track. Kind of just wanted to make weird music with slight noise influences.
I like this. Given it a couple of listens and there’s parts I really enjoy. Some really great sound design in there. The jam that starts around 18:50 has some enthralling vibe happening that I really dig. Congratulations on the release.
I will say that not putting youtube chapters or timestamps makes it hard to talk about (or even identify) individual tracks.
I came, I listened, I hit like. I don’t know if you were looking for discussion/critique, but Member Releases is more just giving people a heads up of an already finished project and rarely generates many posts beyond some basic back patting for putting something out, if that (there’s plenty of posts in here with 0 responses).
Listening Booth tends to be where people give feedback or chat more about tracks. That’s not really clear unless you’ve been around for a bit so I can’t fault you for missing it, if more discussion was indeed your intent.
good stuff to know. I thought this subforum was Listening Booth but for finished products, and since 30 quality posts is more than a lot think it is I’m pretty much blocked off.
as for the whole timestamps issue, I didn’t think of it until two months after I uploaded it and by then it was too late. I already know for next time to put timestamps on any music i make and upload to youtube.
I do plan on doing a cassette and bandcamp release, but I won’t be able to mail any of the cassettes, so I’ll have to sell it locally.
You should already have ability to post in the LB let me know if it’s not working. You have 22 posts but you were already elevated manually because you’re clearly not here to spam.
What DAW and/or Hardware are you making the above with?
I don’t think i can make threads there still and the subforum still has a little lock icon on it.
also for this project i like to keep any behind the scenes stuff like that private. i personally like it when my idm music is like that, so imma do the same.
Yeah it has a lock on it, which just means it’s restricted in some way (to new users that have just created an account to prevent spam). But in your case you have user privileges to post there, I double checked.
Edit: Regarding your project and workflow sharing in general, I will say this:
Workflow sharing is the sole reason this forum exists. It was built on people sharing what they worked on and how they did it which in turn helped others to grow, learn and become better at their craft. I don’t have a problem with you not sharing, that’s your decision to make, but if you want to harness feedback from others then they will likely need to share some of their ideas to help you. It’s an unspoken reciprocal agreement.
The main reason I asked was to generate conversation around your album.