New IDMf Netlabel Comp Cover needed! CLOSED

Hey all, we want to get you guys in on the cover design this time around again, as you have been busting out some incredible art subs lately. Give us your best shot!

The Netlabel team has the title covered on this one, so submit your arts, and we will chose what fits best! Subs due in 3 weeks (4th of May)

P.S. if you want to sub here in the thread, that is fine, or if you want to help us build the suspense, just shoot us an email at the usual submission address with your work:

Hers my first entry, if I have time I might submit some others


hey folks, only one sub so far…anyone else interested in submitting? We can extend the deadline a bit if that helps since we extended the track submission deadline already.


Alllrighty, here are 2 ideas. I included text because it is part of the design, but I will likely change the font to something a bit more interesting…but I just wanted to get the idea out there. Nobody else has text so…don’t judge me on my font plz.


So anyone else want to submit something? I can extend the deadline one more week as we extended the track submissions already, but if nobody pipes up I will close subs today.

alright, no other entries or feedback, so the cover subs are closed. Thanks to those that submitted! the netlabel team will look at the submissions and decide on what fits the album best. We will keep this under wraps, so stay tuned for the official release to see which one get picked!