Mundain Monstre and Friends - More Kicks Than Friends - LIVE TODAY!

Howdy yall and happy Saturday!

Wanted to let yall know Im going to be performing today at 2pm CST - 8pm UK on Ned Rush’s YouTube Channel for More Kicks than Friends.

Anyways - Cheers yall and hope yall have a badass day!


Holy shit! How did I miss this!!! Dude we should live jam together.


Yoooo heeeeeeeeellllllll yeah! I live a lot closer now too! Beginning/Mid Summer is when I plan on start traveling. Currently jobless after the big move and trying to remedy that ASAP heh! But yeah Id be game for a trip out to the West Coast - or shit feel free to come up to Denver for a few days! Hola at cha boi!


fuckin A mitch you know you’re always welcome to crash at my place for a few days if you swing around these northern california parts too!