Lyrics thread...for songwriting practice and feedback

Right so im getting into writing again…

So i made this thread to work on my ability to write lyrics…

I have a shit music voice…but thats neither here nor there…

Right so this thread is for lyrics whether it be hip hop prose or regular song lyrics…

So yeah feel free to share or practice your lyrics chops.


The purification of a personified pacifist protagonist


Ok thanks.

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Ok … seriously I write lyrics… they start with Ideas which I put in a folder called “Unfinished Lyrics.” Sometimes it’s one line sometimes more…

Now and then… I revisit… sometimes I add a few lyrics to one I started… sometimes I’ve added enough that it feels finished… then I move it to a folder called “My Lyrics” then I work on making those into a song.

I’ve got lots of finished songs, lots of songs I’m still working out from some of My Lyrics and I’ve got lots of Unfinished Lyrics.

It works like that… for me :sunglasses::sparkles:

How about you?