Noticed this bandcamp page when i was going to reference a track on an old IDMF compilation called IDMF Beat Tapes
Is this page actually affiliated with IDMF? It’s all uploads from over 10 years ago. maybe a scrapped project or something? I’ve never heard of this once in the time i’ve been here.
That was me, kong, and fmb and others…back when skrillmau5 was being spammed all over the place on idmf…it was just demos with that had a partial blessing of the netlabel team at the time.
That and the beat battles…were an effort to get people to actually make music instead of spending time on idmf hating or dickriding skrillmau5.
The last beat tape…breakcore…got absorbed and some tracks for that went onto idmf release sounds for skeletons…i think…
But anyways…the idea was to do a beat tape for each genre of electronic music at the time…before it got shutdown.
Im not buthurt over it…
Imo, dude the skrillmau5 spam on idmf was that bad.
Fyi later on some idmf user discovered that some other genre music artists from other communities were intentionally trolling idmf with all the skrillmau5 posts. For nonsensical reasons and just to be dicks.
As I’ve always said, ya’ll can start any project you want. That’s why we have the community project’s section. If you want to use the forum name off the forum on SoundCloud or Bandcamp just ask permission first and the admin team will discuss it.