IDMf50 VA - Are We Dead Yet?

The IDMf Netlabel is immeasurably proud to present
our 50th release.

We are the IDMf netlabel.
We means everyone. Not just the curators. Not just the artists. Not just the regular posters to our forum. But everyone. It takes much more than a small team to create 50 releases. It takes a community. A community of diverse people with varied interest and experience. Yet it is a community with a common aim: the music. All of us have made this release and it is all of us that will keep this going.
We are the IDMf netlabel.


released August 2, 2018

IDMf050: Are We Dead Yet?
Various Artist Compilation from the IDMfNetlabel
Mastered by James Pingel
Published by the IDMfNetlabel and the memberbase of the
The Long Trip Home courtesy of In Space and Time Records
Released 2 August, 2018
Released by the IDMfNetlabel under a Creative Commons License

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