IDMf Artist Emulation Challenge

It’s been a little quiet in here for a while. Is anyone up for spicing things up a bit and doing a beat battle or something similar?


Funny you mentioned it. I was thinking today that I’d like to do a community project that involves people making a track/s in the distinct style of any past netlabel artist of their choice. If the tracks are good enough we’d consider releasing it.


That’s an interesting idea. Lots of good artists have been around, sounds like a fun challenge.

I’ve already got a start for something that I think would fit this very well. :slight_smile: I’ll be looking forward to this very much if it gets off the ground.

Excellent. It’s a community project, so feel free to take the idea and run with it. I’ll definitely participate when I can. I’ve bumped you to level 3 so you should be able to rename this thread and it can be the discussion. If you can’t let me know and I’ll do it.

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Oh and you have to call the track something that rhymes with the artist you’re copying like Flanodyne Spinustries or Borderlyne Tinnitustries haha

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Cramityn Bindustries

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Great idea. :slightly_smiling_face::100:


Aight folks, I’ve got about 2 months to get some challenges in before my kids are born, and want to get some writing and producing done.

Who wants to do this challenge with me?

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I started something, but it’s not going the way I’d hoped haha. It’ll just take me a bit more time to conjure a really good idea and then everything will fall into place.

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