I can't believe how long it's been

Oh man, Hi everyone. It’s been such a long time since I’ve been on. Life has a funny way of sweeping you up I guess. Glad to see the place is still kicking and at the same old shenanigans.

I figured I’d leave a post here since it’s been such a long time. Hopefully, you old-timers are still around, as well as plenty of new faces (with any luck).

I’m excited to see what everyone has been working on and doing these past few years and hope you’re all doing well.

Can’t wait to hear everyones remix submissions as well. I may jump in on that, but might not end up with enough time. We’ll see what happens.


Welcome back :smiley:

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Welcome back!


Welcome back indeed :slight_smile:


Welcome back! Great to see some old heads kicking back around. Definitely have a look at the remix comp. We’d love to see what you could do.