I am back after like…7 years? I guess my old account was deleted when the site was updated.
I learned a lot by being on this site and met some really helpful people. Hopefully it’s still a great forum!
Welcome back! Sorry about the deletion, it was actually a server crash and data loss, not just the upgrade : )
Oh I see. Damn. So all older posts and threads are gone I’m assuming?
Unfortunately so. No more Jaded rants.
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Well darn it, lol.
Yea WN is correct it’s all gone, baby. Lol
On the bright side, we do have some Vlantis ™ shots. So there’s that.
welcome back dearly! thank you for returning and i hope you have some time to sift through our awesome catalogue of artists. if you have any questions there are a few on here who know the ropes quite well and can help wherever you need have a great weekend---- 0xy<3
Welcome back @astrogto it seems I joined after you left but before the (thing that didn’t happen) but glad to finally meet