Glitchmachines & Tactic 2

Just figured i’d drop a link to one of my favorite tools in the studio and plugin makers.

Tactic has been my go-to drum sequencer and general pattern madness generator for a while, and they released Tactic 2 today, so I’m pretty hyped.

They have several other plugins as well that do some weird stuff, including some free effects plugins that can be really helpful for getting weird glitch sounds.

If that sounds like something you’re interest in, i’d say check em out.

I’ll probably post a walkthrough video of tactic 2 once I get a chance to play around with it and see what’s new.

Anyone here use Glitchmachines plugins before?



I dig them a lot, but don’t find myself keeping them around too much just because of having to collect them all from PB manually, and partly because they’re not quite as versatile as a lot of the tools I keep on hand. They’re fun as hell to randomize though, and pretty cool that they go on sale for like $5 a pop pretty frequently.

IIRC Tactic (the first iteration) was where I kind of got tired of their sameyness but I’d like to give it another shot just in case I wrote it off too early. I think I used Quadrant (if that’s the right one) as my hardclipper for a while, just because it had a few other cool tools in it too.

Whichever one has the weird pinball-looking modular schematic. If they made more like that I’d be right at home :smiley:

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Whaaaaattttt they finally did a Tactic 2. Looks and sounds like the sound triggering sequencer is still limited to 1 lane. I was so hoping they would at least add 4 sample sequencer lanes. Imma wait till PB has a blow out sale.

Tactic 2 might not be in this one but as of last night it looked like almost everything was between $5 and $10 aside from some upgrade packages. I actually haven’t seen GM not having a blowout sale in a while :smiley:

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Dang, I’ve never heard of Glitchmachines. I promised myself I wouldn’t buy any more plugins… :melting_face:


I made a little ‘helper’ module for Fracture XT :smiley:

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I’ve been hoping for this myself, and was a little bummed out that feature wasn’t included in version 2.

I’ve been toying with the idea of making my own little plugin that would emulate tactic but with multiple sequencer lanes that you could switch back and forth.

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That does it. We’re going to need a DSP thread. :smiley:

this shit looks fuckin dope