Free Sample Pack Drops [Analog Samples]

TL;DR: I’m giving away a bunch of sample packs. Jump to redeem below ---->

For the past few years I’ve been pouring way too much time and effort into my sample pack bandcamp page (Analog Samples), and today I hit a huge milestone so bandcamp juiced me up with 1,000 free credits to give away. Basically, these album codes can stick to your account for life if you’re logged in and claim one, so even if you have no intention of using packs at the moment, you can always stash them and check them out later.

To redeem: Go to Analog Samples and punch in the code.
You don’t need a bandcamp fan page to redeem these, but IMO it’s cooler because you can’t lose them afterward.

Glitch Overdose

Modular Arps & Pads

Modular Atmospheres

Rhythmic Basslines

Signals From The Aether


Demonic [Glitches]

Feedback Frenzy

Cinematic Horrors


Alien Soundscapes

Glitchin’ The Matrix

Morphing Granular Clouds

Sound Effects


thanks @Agentslimepunk, can’t wait to check them out!


Arcade Sound Effects

Merry CHRISTmas, motherfuckers! Apparently it’s been over 2 years (1-2 ragequits ago, for reference) since I updated this, so I think some new packs are in order. I’ve probably made 20 or so since then, so grab a code if any of these look good to you!

These tend to get devoured pretty quickly somehow, so if you missed something that you want later on there’s a good chance I have another code lying around. Don’t thank me, thank santa

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Spectral Oddities

They’ve also shortened the URL, it’s just now (although most of us knew this years ago)

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Impulse Responses

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Metal Guitar Loops

I should also mention that if you make any cool tracks with these, you can spam me with them or post them here. I love hearing what people do with them, especially if it’s you guys.


Really cool that you give so many free codes to the community! :heart:

Maybe an idea for future packs: I don’t often use samples for music at the moment, but what I always look for in game dev context is foley stuff, especially animal recordings since my attempts to records animals were not very successful - in the rare occasions when the animals were making interesting sounds, my baby boy started laughing, wowing or talking… But at least it was fun for him ^^

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I think I have two of those, but they’re definitely ‘indoors’ foley packs. I’d actually love to do more field work like that, but my OTG setup is pretty budget. Awesome suggestion, though! Maybe in the future I’ll be able to do some really exotic things :smiley:

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That would be awesome! :smiley: Gonna check out some of your packs soon! Also, if some coupons still work I’m gonna download some for a friend who just started making music again…

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Downloads >>>

All packs are free now, but these codes will allow you to claim them on your account without spending a dime

Also, Directwave version:

Downloads >>>

This one gets periodic updates. Odds-and-ends style

Directwave version:

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