Follow User Plugin


This would be a very useful addition to our forum.
As a community of artists who are also fans of fellow artists, we have a rather keen interest in what those we admire and enjoy are doing now.

Currently, the only way to go about this is to personally bookmark a user’s profile in your browser and even at that, it’s a bit clunky to figure out what’s new or not since the last time you looked.

This fellow has made a plugin that allows you to follow users, which would allow an ability for people to be as equally valuable as topics.

Here’s the specs:


Release Summary Post:

Gethub Plugin Code Repository:



Ok, let me understand what type of access we have as mods and I’ll see if this can be added.


I feel like this tool is something i wouldnt want for our forum. If i want to follow an artist from here i can and do follow their soundcloud etc. And we arent so busy that i couldnt just peek in the LB every once in awhile. If i really want tonsee more posts by a user i can click on their profile and look where they have posted.

Seems like its solving something thsts not a problem and it has potential to make it easier for us to harass each other (Jayson i dont think you are planning to harass anyone).


The nice thing about this feature is if you don’t want to use it, you can disable it.



Just so you know, at the moment we’re not going ahead with this plugin.
But, we’re discussing with the Megaboss another plugin, based on how the implementation goes and how much of a pain it is to set it up, we might do this one next.

The one we’re looking at is something we thing would be more useful at the moment, a “landing page” plugin so visitors will arrive to a page with some info (most likely net label stuff and forum rules/topic) then access the forum.


On a side note, if the follow a user thing worked or was attempted, is there one to ignore a user? :laughing:


Frankly, I’d rather see the ignore user installed lol


I actually just found that while you can’t blatantly ignore someone, you can their notifications(to whatever level that means).

Settings/preferences/notifications/mute user