Favourite Synths (Hardware & Software)

Favourite Synths (Hardware & Software)

List yours…

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Alright, going for sheer capability and a small list for this one:

  • Cardinal
  • Voltage
  • PlugData
  • Plug’n Script
  • Falcon
  • Redux
  • Patcher (not kidding, weirdly)

In hardware Moog One (yes I have one and yeah it is nice). I get a weird idea for a sound and I can usually get pretty close on that.

In software… I have made a lot of good sounds with Diva over the years but these days I want more, so I’d say something like Dune 3. But I try things more often than I probably should.

Metasounds for its flexibility and integration into Unreal Engine, but for playing around in a DAW, I like to use a range of different softsynths, depending on what I want to do, my mood and other influences. Although I think I could get by with one wavetabler like Serum or Icarus and maybe an FM synth like operator (sometimes I like to use F’em, but it’s a bit strange).


Hardware - Prophet Rev 2, Crumar DS-2, Moog DFAM

Software - Vital, VCV Rack, Cherry Audio CA2600


Hardware: KORG Wavestate

Software: Falcon 3

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I use whatever vsti synth is handy
Maybe my fav is PolyIblit .

A true classic. One my first Synths and still quite viable. Excellent for basslines with many presets.

Hardware: DSI Mopho Keyboard, Korg MS-20 Mini – all time favorite Novation Circuit Monostation.

Software: Massive, U-he Repro 1 and 5, Serum, and a shout out to Z3TA as the first paid softsynth I bought.


My first paid soft synth was Sylenth1.

The first BOXED synths I paid for were Rapture & Dimension Pro. I still use them (and still have the boxes + discs!), alongside a cracked version of Z3TA+ (because I was never able to buy a legit version before it was discontinued).

Cakewalk made killer synths. Still hope one day somebody over there will wake up and update those synths/sell them again!


Cakewalk was awesome. I would probably still use Z3TA+ if I had my license. I have an iOS synth (Sunrizer I think) that is basically Z3TA, I’ll bust it out sometimes.

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