I’m all for sharing knowledge, and I think there’s a lot of it here. I also agree it’d be a good way to put the IDMF/Glitchpulse label on something out in the wild. Please don’t read any of the following as pooping on the idea because I think it’s a great one, more of a quick list of potential pitfalls and things to consider when writing (ie shit that pisses me off when I read tutorials).
Correctness: This is both the baseline and the holy grail. The internet is full of partial or flat out wrong answers. Do your due diligence and make sure what you’re putting forth is actually correct. It’s a simple idea that a lot of people get wrong, and sort of ties into the rest of the list here.
Theory/Generalization: This is total teach a dude to fish stuff - explain why the information you’re putting forth works. This doesn’t need to be first principles/math equations, just a layman’s ELI5 sort of reasoning for why what you’re doing works, which also ties into the idea of the information being correct. I think that really helps whoever’s following along to really reason about the problem and be able to apply it in other situations. “Just turn the knobs like this” doesn’t really teach anything. There’s totally the opportunity to get way into the weeds with this, but I always figure if you write for a precocious high schooler, you’re probably okay.
Make sure it’s actually useful to someone: Don’t be a solution in search of a problem and don’t just recreate existing tutorials that already do a fine job. Make sure that what you’re writing about is either 1) a general problem you see crop up a lot, 2) a weird edge case that’s hard to solve or 3) a new and novel way of approaching a problem. Bring something to the table, even if that’s just synthesizing other information so it’s all in one place.
Practical Examples: Walk me through how this works in practice and how to apply it. Don’t pick the trivial example – showing how to EQ a sample outside the context of a song doesn’t really show anyone anything useful that you can’t get from the manual or youtube, it’s just moving knobs around, etc etc. Show how you’d use this in the context of creating an actual track and why it’s handy. Pictures/annotations are great. Bonus if you can show how to do it with multiple tools/DAWs.
References: Bonus points. If you do any research for the tutorial, cite the references. Not because it’s ‘correct’ or anything, but because it lets readers follow the same breadcrumbs you did and learn more about the subject. I love to go down rabbit holes from references, so this is probably just personal preference showing.
Editing/Peer review: As already mentioned, but I think this is super important. This doesn’t need to be dissertation/Simon & Schuster level, but shop it around (on here or elsewhere), make sure other people of different ability levels get what you’re laying down and that it doesn’t have any glaring spelling/grammar/clarity issues. A confusing tutorial is worse than none at all and a well written one can really attract attention.
The project seems like a great thing and I’m excited to see what comes of this.