

Hi All,
I had a brief flurry here some years back under the name AstralDisaster, Life got in the way for about five years - I reached half a century and today I eventually remembered the name of this forum! :blush:
Electronic music has always been a passion, I have a broad appreciation for many types of music but iDM I always return to.
My first gig at 15 on my own was Tangerine Dream at Hammersmith Odeon 1985 I believe, for over a decade I find a really strong connection with the music of Proem which somehow never fails to engage me as a listener.
My user name of course comes from one of my favourite Coil albums…
I live in Kent, UK in one of the corners.
I don’t use social media, but I have a long history of using forums.
Nice to be here :slight_smile:


Nice to have you! Welcome :beers:


Cheers! Welcome back, :slight_smile: