Fav bad guys in popular media


Interesting, didn’t even know they made a series about Loki until I checked wtf “alligator loki” was lol…


Spawn former bad guy turns into a good guy.


I just remembered one of my fav bad guys from a while ago, James Kendrick from Burn Notice. I even kinda hoped Michael would switch sides because of his organization hehe. They made this part of the story really interesting with lots of grey areas…


watched the animated HBO series not that long ago
holy shit is it good


Magneto from the x men …

Best multi dimensional antagonist ever.


Yeah, good one, def an interesting baddie!


His backstory is the best being that magneto is a former holocaust survivor and how that experience influenced his outlook on the mutant rights conflict with humans.

While xavier was all about peace and coexisting…

Magnetos view was more pessimistic and nihlistic.

Which was the cause of his antagonism being that his view was that mutants would never be accepted because of fear, and because of mutants being too different from humans.


Thanks for the follow-up! I only know the movies but based on that it’s probably my fav villain backstory in the Marvel universes.




Def an interesting overpowered one, wasn’t familiar with that one, but read some stuff about it now. Thanks for the idea. Ego seems to be another one on that scale from the same multiverse - that one I know, but I think exclusively from the Guardians of the Galaxy movies IIRC…




I enjoyed the Loki series way more than I thought I would.


Carnivale is interesting–and they never finished the series so it is hard to know what to make of any of the main characters–both protagonist and antagonist have to discover their role in the plot so to speak, neither of them have a full idea of who they are and what is going on.

Also Al Swereangen from Deadwood. Again an unfinished series (the movie they made to try and wrap it up as was so-so). Again an evolving bad guy who ends up not being the worst bad guy in the series. I imagine if the series would have played out to the conclusion he would have ended up being more of a gray area character.


From what i understand… the two main characters nick stahl and the other actor clarence something…

Are like a generational yin and yang… the yin character is sometimes good and sometimes bad…and the same with yang character…they both switch between being good and villiany every generation.

i guess the winner between the feud of the yin and yang decides the course for humanity…

Thats my take on carnivale.


Yes! Spot on. Nick Stahl’s character’s father has the same powers as the preacher and “Management” is like Stahl’s character. Then it turns out Clea DuVall’s character ends up having something to do with it too, but they never really explain it as its in the last few episodes. I rewatch the show every few years and then get so mad they couldn’t have at least made a few final episodes to wrap it up even if it was sloppy!


Tywin lannister.

Gregor clegane.


Thanks for the suggestions! Don’t know Carnivale, Deadwood or Game of Thrones. Might check it out or at least read up on that stuff…

As a sidenote, I started this thread to get some inspiration for one of my games. Made a lot of progress with the game, even put in some vocals recorded with my wife that I like (mostly played when getting items, getting hit by enemies or as banter between two characters randomly played during gameplay). All gameplay-related stuff and music is mostly finished apart from finetuning and optimization. Beside maybe adding some more levels, the story sequences for the intro, ending and between levels with vocals are the last big part still to do, so I’m goonna go through this thread again soon before trying to give the bad guys some character… Thanks again for all the input!


Michael b. Jordans killmonger in black panther.


Not popular media, but Nathan Barley

“Splashing a few tonsils”